本文屬於規範性的研究,在於提出個人對於國際永久和平的看法。本文分為六個部分。首先,對於歷史上曾經出現過的國際和平思想進程進行析論;其次,探討目前有無可能跳越「國家」這個長久存在的和平論述主體? 第三,嘗試解開和平論述的傳統面紗,將和平論述的主體從抽象的「國家」 轉移到更為實質的「政府」;第四,介紹「開放和平論」的理論基礎;第五,探究「開放政治市場」在歷史發展過程中曾經有過的若干實踐經驗及其意義;最後,則是對「開放政治市場」的內涵及實踐可行性表述。「開放政治市場」可以包含三個部分,依次為「職位開放」、「政黨開放」、「政府開放」,未來如果透過教育、傳播與政治運動,以「開放政治市場」來追求永久和平終有實現一天。
This article is normative in nature; it attempts to delineate the author’s view on international peace in six parts. It begins with a review of the development of international peace theory, and then advances to a discussion on the possibility of skipping the “state”—the long established subject in peace discourse—in our probing of the issue in point. The third part attempts to shift the abstract subject of the “state” in traditional peace discourse to a more substantial one of the “government.” The fourth part provides an account of the theory of “Open Peace”(open political market for peace). The fifth part examines the practices and the meaning of the “open political market” in history. The concluding part elaborates on the significance of the “open political market” and the viability of practice. The opening up of political market can be advanced in three stages, respectively marked by the opening up of official posts, foreign party registration, and the governmental per se. The author believes that the proposition of the “open political market” can be achieved in the future through education, dissemination of the ideal and political movement.
本文目的在探究委內瑞拉查維茲總統執政期間,以國家力量打造的國有糧食生產體系與相關制度,為何以及如何導致委內瑞拉走向更仰賴糧食進口,並於國際石油價格崩跌之後陷入嚴重的物資「短缺」。 本文從制度論出發,制度互補作為分析架構,並結合國家角色與國家結盟進行分析,目的在探究2001~2013年間查維茲總統在「糧食主權」和 「二十一世紀社會主義國家轉型」政策框架下啟動的一系列糧食與農業政策,包括:土地改革與再分配、糧食市場銷售計劃、食品加工與零售部門國有化,以及價格和匯..
The paper examines the Venezuelan food and agricultural policies imposed by ex-President Hugo Chávez during 2001-2013 in order to explore why and how Venezuela became heavily reliant on food importation and eventually led to severe food shortage in 2014 when oil price collapsed. The research uses institutionalism and institutional complementarity as analytical framework, aiming at exploring how a series of food and agricultural policies, namely, land reform, price and exchange control, and nationalization of agroindustry sec..
過去以來新加坡的主權基金,由於其卓越的經營績效與成功的管理模式,被視為全球主權基金的模範生。而不論是新加坡政府投資公司析或是淡馬錫控股公司,這兩大新加坡主權基金者都建構出不同的發展與投資模式,除了相輔相成地提昇了新加坡在國際間的政治經濟實力,而且將其收益還富於民。本文透過 「相互依存」 與「經濟激勵」的角度,分析新加坡主權基金發展迄今的意義, 特別是在 2007 年美國發生次貸風暴而引發的全球金融危機後,其重要性與競爭優勢更被凸顯。但是不可諱言的是,當其資金大舉輸出與進行企業併購之後,也..
In the past, the Sovereign Wealth Funds of Singapore was viewed as a paradigm for global Sovereign Wealth Funds due to its outstanding management performance and successful management model. Regardless of Government of Singapore Investment Corporation and Temasek Holdings (Pte) Ltd, these two major Sovereign Wealth Funds constructed divergent development trajectories and investment patterns. Except for collectively improving Singapore's political-economic power around the world, they also benefited Singaporean citizens financially. Thro..
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