中共於1971年10月25日取得聯合國之中國席次。本文探討中共自1971年參與聯合國至2005年為止,其在安理會的投票行為。本文除了介紹安理會之投票規定之外,重點在於探討影響中共投票的因素,藉以瞭解中共外交在這一時期的變化。本文將中共此一時期的投票分為三個階段,第一階段從1971至1981年,此一時期中共對聯合國採取消極、相對不合作態度; 第二階段從1982至1989年,中共對聯合國表現高度合作立場;; 第三階段是從1990年至2005年,中共採取選擇性支持策略,對涉及人權、具干涉內政意..
The Energy Charter Treaty (ECT) came into force in 1998 and is currently signed by 54 countries, mostly in Europe and Central Asia. Its purpose is to protect foreign investments from regulatory or political interferences of host State, including through investor-State dispute settlement mechanism (ISDS). A negotiation to modernize the agreement was launched in 2018. On 24 June 2022, after five years of negotiations, the Energy Charter Conference Member States reached an Agreement in Principle regarding revisions to the ECT. Despite a crushin..
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