自 90 年代中期以來,學界對於恐怖主義的研究正日益深化,反恐措施也推陳出新。不過,恐怖主義攻擊卻未因此減少,反而從過去盛行的中東地區和發展中國家蔓延到威權的前蘇聯各國以及已開發國家。參與者也從過去的反殖民建國訴求者,擴大為宗教和其他激進運動的獻身者;手段上更普遍地採取自殺攻擊,而不在乎組織形象聲名狼藉和人員的損失。似乎強大的國家,其安全與反擊措施越嚴厲,越激發攻擊者的鬥志。這種「越挫越奮」的異常現象,對傳統的國關理論構成了不小的挑戰。 ..
National security is traditionally comprehended in terms of the rationalist approach, of which the physical boundaries and the static “Self” of nation states are taken for granted. The concept of “security dilemma” is accordingly understood as the conflicting tendency between nations in the process of defense build-up. However, this article argues that another type of “security dilemma” should not be ignored: the more the units increase its physical capabilities, the less secure they are, d..
王金平黨籍訴訟案同時凸顯出國家管制(司法審查)/政黨自主的界限問題、政黨自主/個人自由的界限問題,以及黨內民主原則的適用範圍問題等。本文參考有限度審查說、司法審查基準理論、外國政黨法、國內外相關司法判決,對前述問題得出下列結論: 第一,為能具體釐清政黨自主及司法審查之界限,筆者建立三階段之審查基準。依序審視:政黨在程序方面之規定及運作,是否違反國家法律規定及民主原則,致使黨員權利受到不合法之侵害,或受到少數人之打壓?政黨在實體方面之規定..
The lawsuit of Wang Jin-pyng’s party membership has exposed problems concerning the boundary between state regulation ( judicial review)and party autonomy, between party autonomy and individual freedom, as well as the scope of application of the principle of inner-party democracy. Based on the “theory of limited review”, the standards of review, party laws of foreign countries, as well as related domestic and foreign judicial decisions, this study came to the following conclusions regarding the abovementione..
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