As great power politics are regarded as trend setters in international relations(IR), most contemporary IR studies often neglected small states’ foreign behaviors. However, after the end of the Cold War, bipolar confrontation of great powers no longer existed, attentions began to turn to small states in the realm of international relations. The author argues that, with the help of proper design of methodological approach, the extent of small states’ external influences may be evaluated. For small European states, alternative, rotation, profession, and alliances are different categories that could shape the states’ external influences vested in EU’s institutional design. Moreover, social character and role-playing theories are also helpful for the explanation of state’s social position; namely, the roles of pace-setting, foot-security external influence model and the case study of fight against cigarette dragging or fence-sitting. Through the lens of small states non-traditional smuggling in Lithuania, we argue that small states may have their influences in regional integration and beyond.
隨著近年「印太」成為國際關係與外交研究的重要詞彙,歐盟於2021年4月首次提出「印太戰略」,並特別強調與東協在印太區域合作的重要性。事實上,歐盟自2010年代以來受到全球經濟重心東移、亞洲地緣政治競爭激烈等結構性因素影響,已加速與東協的「第三波區域間主義(Third Interregionalism)」發展;除與東協國家洽簽經濟協定,並於2020年底將原有與東協的對話夥伴關係升級為戰略夥伴關係。本文主張歐盟透過與東協國家洽簽經濟協定以增強其「印太戰略」的效力,而雙邊升級的關係不但強化東協..
Indo-Pacific strategies have become salient in international relations and diplomatic studies. In April 2021, the European Union (EU) for the first time declared its own Indo-Pacific strategy and emphasized the importance of cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). In fact, global systemic factors such as the shift of economic power to Asia and the intense geopolitical rivalry in the region have galvanized the evolution of the Third Interregionalism between the EU and ASEAN. Other than economic agreements, both b..
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