The article deals with an unanswered question of how the legal status of the European Union may be characterized. In other words: What kind of political community the EU belongs to?
It is rather easy to demonstrate that the juridical terms, which were used traditionally to define federally organized political units, are not appropriate to characterize the European Union. It may not be treated as a confederation of soveregin states nor as a federal state, and the EU itself resists being called a state at all. It is because that the EU does not possess and is not willing to compete for the monopoly of power. According to Article I-11(2) of the Brussells Constitutional Treaty, the power of the EU is limited to “individual authorizations”, by which is was conferred on by the EU member states.
However, so far nobody has succeeded in defining the special status of the EU, let alone reaching for universal approval by doing so. The constitutional quality of the EU, as it is understood by the author, has yet to be clasified. We are still in search of an adequate new term for a new, hitherto unknown political creature- which, for the time being, remains the cause of all kinds of fears as well as great hopes.
The dispute settlement system, often considered as the “crown jewel” of the WTO, is in a present crisis and becomes the crown of thorns. Over the past years, the United States through the use of the WTO’s consensus requirements has successfully blocked the launch of a process to select the Appellate Body members. This is carried forward by the Trump administration. With a Settlement of Disputes Understanding (DSU) requirement that appeals be heard by three AB members, with the AB membership down to zero at the present time..
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