本研究擬針對 Journal Citation Report(JCR)政治學門的期刊排序進行探討,以期國內政治學界就此問題上建立新共識,其重點在於:整理一套具有時間縱軸的資料庫,建立一套包括政治學次領域(政治理論、國際關係、公共行政、比較政治、區域研究)的期刊排序,提供一套政治學門個別國際期刊特別屬性的質化背景資料,並對國內政治學界提出是否擴大現有 SSCI 期刊名單的建議。
This research utilizes the Journal Citation Report’s ranking order of political science as a reference in order to fashion an understanding among the Taiwanese scholarly community. The research aims to the following goals: 1). To set up a longitudinal time series data set, 2). to incorporate all the subsets of political science journal rank order, including political theories, international relations, public administration, comparative politics, area studies, and 3). to provide a qualitative reference data set on all political science journals incorporated.
請輸入想查詢的期刊標題、關鍵字、作者相關資訊. Please enter the journal title, keywords, and author-related information you want to query.