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The Relationship between Feminism and Postmaterialism: A Side-Observation of World Value Change
楊婉瑩(Wan-Ying Yang)

後物質主義與女性主義價值兩者之間的關係,在相關研究中存在兩種對立的觀點:一種觀點認為後物質主義與女性主義兩種價值,本質上存在相近性,發展上則有一致性,兩者追求非物質性的價值,同樣是後現代價值體系變遷的一部份,產生於新社會運動相似的背景,同樣代表新政治分歧的價值;再者,兩者的發展步調一致,同樣建立在社會經濟心理安全感的基礎上,社會經濟條件越發達或是後工業化的國家,女性主義以及後物質主義的價值傾向越普遍。另一種觀點則認為後物質主義與女性主義的發展並非相近的價值,也不具備一致的發展步調;後物質主義作為新政治分歧,包含了新左派(自由)與新右派(權威)價值取向兩種對立的價值,不必然與女性主義價值相符;而女性主義價值包含多重歧異的訴求,跨越了舊與新政治分歧,亦即跨越物質與後物質主義的價值,其訴求不必然都是後物質主義取向,且兩者在各國發展的差異與影響因素不盡相同。本文透過理論的辯證來探討這兩種對立性的陳述,並以世界價值變遷實證經驗資料,來檢驗這兩種對立性的假設。在操作上,以 WVS/EVS 第三、四波(1995-2005 )所涵蓋的國家(69個國家)為例,加以檢證後物質主義與女性主義價值之間的關係,以及兩者發展的路徑與解釋。


This study focuses on the varied and complicated relationship between postmaterialism and feminism, and examines two contradicted hypotheses regarding their relationship. Hypothesis one assumes both sets of value sprung simultaneously from very similar origins and contain similar value components, under the rubic of new social movement and new political cleavage. Therefore, they are closed related to each other, for those postindustrial countries which support feminism tend to adopt postmaterialism values as well. To the opposite, hypothesis two assumes that, in terms of dimensionality and content of both concepts, postmaterialism is an ambivalent and broadly-defined value, it contains both the conservative new-right and reformative new-left elements within its new social cleavage composition. Likewise, feminism is a composition of diverse and various values, its appeals stride across the new and old social cleavages and contain elements of both materialism and postmaterialism. Therefore, the explanations for the development and pace of both sets of value might diverge. Postmaterialism develops out of certain established social- economic basis, whereas the support of feminism value relies less on social- economic factors but more on cultural differences. To examine these two opposite hypotheses, this study applies the third and fourth waves of WVS/EVS data to examine the yet to be clarified relationship between postmaterialism and feminism, and to explore their explanatory factors and differentiated pattern.

