本文主要的目的是探討戰略文化研究在國際關係領域中的發展與理論定位之相關問題。國際關係戰略文化研究乃源自於軍事歷史學者對國家戰爭方式與作戰傳統之探討,並開始蓬勃發展於 1970 年代的冷戰時期。在社會科學國際關係研究領域中,戰略文化的研究方向是企圖在以物質為基礎的現實主義論述外,強調從文化意念與歷史途徑的角度,探討國家行為者在國際環境中的戰略行為模式根源。目前,西方關於戰略文化研究的文獻相當多,但在這豐富的文獻中迄今仍尚未產生一個共同而且被接受的戰略文化概念,這因此使得國家戰略行為在國際關係文化面向上的研究仍然處於百家爭鳴莫衷一是的狀態。近年來,在國際關係中的文化研究已經逐漸被視為是一個影響國家行為模式的重要分析面向。然而在主流現實主義的影響下,學界對國家行為的研究,似乎都太著重於分析物質的國際結構與國家實力對國家軍事戰略行為的影響,非物質的文化意念層面因而成為鮮少被探討與重視的要素。 基於此,本文乃嘗試從戰略文化研究的發展過程中,分析其與主流現實主義的互動,重新檢視戰略文化在國際關係研究上本質,並探討其理論朝向社會建構主義發展的未來可能方向。
This paper seeks to explore the development of strategic culture in the field of international relations by highlighting the problem of its theoretical orientation. The research of IR strategic culture stemmed from the research of traditional ways of war by many military-historical scholars and started to emerge since the 1970s. The main research purpose of strategic culture is trying to look at the ideational origin of state behavior in the international environment by taking the perspective of culture under the dominance of the main stream structural realism. Recently, although the literature on different countries’ strategic culture is abundant, we still do not have a common conception and methodology for strategic culture studies, which rendered studies on state strategic policies and behavior via cultural concept weak and contending. This paper therefore tries to revisit and review the research of strategic culture by exploring its evolution, theoretical orientation and its future application in the realm of IR.
1992 年以來,蓋達組織的戰略行為是跨國界、不分軍民的恐怖攻擊。蓋達恐怖組織主要以打擊西方世界與其盟友的利益,為主要目標,形成國際安全的巨大威脅。本文使用文本、歷史、迷思與信仰四個文化要素,以蓋達組織為例,試圖理解宗教導向恐怖組織的戰略行為;以《古蘭經》與《聖訓》 為主的伊斯蘭宗教文本,賦予蓋達組織戰略脈絡;二戰後的歷史經驗,形成蓋達組織將西方勢力逐出伊斯蘭世界的戰略目標:源於極端伊斯蘭思想的理念迷思,將「聖戰」作為恐怖攻擊的戰略手段;最後賓拉登的信仰,落..
Since 1992, al-Qaeda's strategic behavior is characterized by its cross- border and indiscriminate massive terror attacks with both military personnel and civilians as targets. Al-Qaeda’s goal is to strike the interests of the Western and its allies, thus posing a dangerous threat to international security. This article attempts to use four cultural elements – text, history, myths and beliefs – to understand the strategic behavior of al-Qaeda that is religious- oriented. “Quran" and “had..
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