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搜尋結果 : 和"non-use of force principle; Cross-Strait relations"有關的資料, 共有1筆
Non-Use of Force Principle under International Law and the Cross-Strait Relations
蕭琇安(Hsiu-An Hsiao)

台海兩岸自 1949 年分裂至今,雙方的政策雖歷經不同階段的調整,但仍無法突破僵局。中共始終不放棄以武力方式解決台灣問題的可能性,堅持對台灣使用武力乃其處理國內事務之主權合法行使,不受國際法的限制。本文從國際法禁止使用武力原則的目的與相關實踐來看,此原則不僅針對國家,也對包括事實實體在內的其它國際法人適用。現階段台灣在國際法下的國家地位雖有些爭議,但不影響其作為一個受國際法規範與保障的事實實體。不過,在兩岸關係中,由於中共堅持台灣問題為中國內政,且國際社會對..

The stand-off across the Taiwan Strait has, since 1949, continued to divide the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of China (Taiwan). The PRC still insists that the Cross-Strait situation is an internal affair of China, and thus it upholds the position that using force against Taiwan is a legitimate exercise of sovereignty under international law. This article argues that, based on relevant practices, non-use of force as a principle under customary international law applies not only to States, but also to..
