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搜尋結果 : 和"Southeast Asia"有關的資料, 共有57筆
「疫帶疫路」在東南亞? 再探新冠肺炎期間中國對東南亞的防疫外交
When China’s Belt & Road Initiative (BRI) Meets the Covid-19 Pandemic in Southeast Asia? Revisiting China’s Pandemic Prevention Diplomacy towards Southeast Asia
楊昊 (Alan Hao Yang)

本研究主要探索新冠疫情對中國一帶一路的影響,並進一步分析中國 對東南亞國家的防疫外交。本文分為四個部分,第一部份是為前言,說明 研究旨趣與架構,並就與本研究旨趣相關之文獻進行回顧;第二部分聚焦 於疫情爆發之的合作實踐。然而,這兩個特徵放在與東協國家具體互動中確實也出現若 干問題;本研究除了進一步探索之,並試圖提供解釋,且於結語處提出六 項研究發現。後,論及疫情衝擊一帶一路的國際輿論與觀點。再者,本文 於第三部分延續檢視疫情期間中國對鄰近區域(東南亞國家)的防疫外交 工作是否符合中國整體外..

This study mainly explores the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and further analyzes China’s pandemic prevention diplomacy (PPD) towards Southeast Asian countries. This study i neighboring countries mainly responded to the long-existing strategic priority of China’s foreign policy guidelines, that is, to prioritize the neighbors as the f irst principle, while the second to implement collaboration in accordance to the differentiated relationships among partner countries. However, im..

新區域間主義下的歐盟印太戰略: 以歐盟與東協「開路者」協定為例
The EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy in New Interregionalism: The Case of EU-ASEAN Pathfinder Agreements
荊柏鈞 (Bo-jiun Jing) 謝笠天 (Pasha L. Hsieh)

隨著近年「印太」成為國際關係與外交研究的重要詞彙,歐盟於2021年4月首次提出「印太戰略」,並特別強調與東協在印太區域合作的重要性。事實上,歐盟自2010年代以來受到全球經濟重心東移、亞洲地緣政治競爭激烈等結構性因素影響,已加速與東協的「第三波區域間主義(Third Interregionalism)」發展;除與東協國家洽簽經濟協定,並於2020年底將原有與東協的對話夥伴關係升級為戰略夥伴關係。本文主張歐盟透過與東協國家洽簽經濟協定以增強其「印太戰略」的效力,而雙邊升級的關係不但強化東協..

Indo-Pacific strategies have become salient in international relations and diplomatic studies. In April 2021, the European Union (EU) for the first time declared its own Indo-Pacific strategy and emphasized the importance of cooperation with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). In fact, global systemic factors such as the shift of economic power to Asia and the intense geopolitical rivalry in the region have galvanized the evolution of the Third Interregionalism between the EU and ASEAN. Other than economic agreements, both b..

同極相吸?南方國家之間的公私協力夥伴關係: 以中國廠商在泰國與緬甸的公共建設投資為例
The South-South Public-Private Partnerships Sometimes Attracting Each Other: Evidence from Chinese Firms’ Infrastructure Investment in Thailand and Myanmar
蘇翊豪(Yi-hao Su)


South-South Cooperation is believed to facilitate development smoothly. However, why do some projects of public-private partnership in infrastructure (PPI) between Southern countries create contention while others do not? This research argues that types of enterprises and interfirm cooperation are two determinants of contentious politics against foreign involvement in PPI in Southern countries. To explain how this mechanism works, I focus on Chinese firms’ port and power construction PPI in Thailand and Myanmar. The com..

東南亞人權政治:條約承諾的意義 (1981∼2015)
The Motives of Ratification: Human Rights Treaties in Southeast Asia (1981-2015)
顏永銘(Yung-Ming Yen)


The last few decades witnessed positive developments in terms of human rights across Southeast Asia. It is widely believed that progresses such as the creation of ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission of Human Rights (AICHR) suggested the willingness of regional countries to identify themselves with universal human rights. Nevertheless, no consensus has been reached in academia yet regarding human rights treaty commitment of regional countries. This article intends to make contribution to the knowledge of human rights treaty rat..
