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搜尋結果 : 和" 大流行"有關的資料, 共有1筆
憲政體制對COVID-19疫情的回應: 台灣半總統制經驗的研究
How Systems of Government Respond to COVID-19 Pandemic: A Study of Taiwan’s Semi-Presidentialism
陳宏銘 (Hong-ming Chen)


Based on the fact that the type of government system will affect the way the government operates during the COVID-19 epidemic, this article attempts to explore how Taiwan’s semi-presidential government handled the epidemic. The focus of the study is on the central government level, exploring the operations of the president, the president of the Executive Yuan, the epidemic command center (commander), and Congress, and considering the impact of factors such as unified government and the fact that the president is the chairman of a poli..
