本研究透過列項實驗(list experiment)指出傳統民意調查測量方法的侷限性,特別是在攸關民眾上戰場作戰的問題方面,解讀民調數字需審慎考量因「社會期許偏誤」(social desirability bias)造成的高估情形。具體而言,本文結合網路調查與列項實驗,探討社會期許偏誤對民眾上戰場意願的影響程度,並利用針對列項實驗所發展出的多變數迴歸分析(multivariate regression analysis)方法,檢視影響民眾上戰場意願的成因。結果顯示若中共武力犯台,民眾願為..
Through a list experiment, this study points out the limitation of public opinion survey. Especially when it comes to the issue related to people’s willingness to fight in a war, interpreting the poll requires careful consideration of overestimation caused by “social desirability bias.” By combing an online survey and list experiments, this paper examines how social desirability bias impacts Taiwanese’s determination to fight. The results show that if China invades Taiwan by force, about 64% are willing to fight for T..
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