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搜尋結果 : 和"緬甸"有關的資料, 共有28筆
同極相吸?南方國家之間的公私協力夥伴關係: 以中國廠商在泰國與緬甸的公共建設投資為例
The South-South Public-Private Partnerships Sometimes Attracting Each Other: Evidence from Chinese Firms’ Infrastructure Investment in Thailand and Myanmar
蘇翊豪(Yi-hao Su)


South-South Cooperation is believed to facilitate development smoothly. However, why do some projects of public-private partnership in infrastructure (PPI) between Southern countries create contention while others do not? This research argues that types of enterprises and interfirm cooperation are two determinants of contentious politics against foreign involvement in PPI in Southern countries. To explain how this mechanism works, I focus on Chinese firms’ port and power construction PPI in Thailand and Myanmar. The com..

The Assistance of Domestic NGOs to Minorities in Myanmar: A Case Study of the Kachin
司徒宇(Yu Szu-Tu)


The “scale of operations” of non-governmental organizations can be divided into either “international” or “domestic.” When dealing with problems in Myanmar, although international non-governmental organizations may hold advantages due to their professionalism and available resources; however, there are still situations where they may feel helpless and will need to rely on the help of other domestic non-governmental organizations or even form a collaborative alliance with them to carry out t..
