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搜尋結果 : 和"現實主義"有關的資料, 共有31筆
因果機制和政治解釋: 民主和平論和現實主義的論辯
Causal Mechanism and Political Explanation: Debate between Democratic Peace Theory and Realism
蔡榮祥(Jung-hsiang Tsai)

本文主要的目的在於爬梳社會科學方法論中因果機制分析的發展和演進,並進一步評估政治學研究中如何運用因果機制來進行解釋以及討論相關的解釋效力的問題。本文將具體評析政治學國際關係領域中民主和平論之論點,以此來衡量政治學運用因果機制解釋的優勢和侷限。因果機制研究層面上,本文聚焦在機制的定義和類型、機制的觀察性、因果機制與因果關係、法則和中介變數的差異、機制的層次、機制的運作和測量、機制的路徑圖。因果機制運用層面上,本文側重於民主和平論的源起和演進、 民主和平論的重要論述、對於民主和平論的挑戰以及..

The main purpose of this paper is to parse out the development and evolution of causal mechanism and to further evaluate how political research adopts the method of causal mechanism to explain and discuss the explanatory effect in the field of qualitative methods. Our focus is to shed light on the causal mechanism of democratic peace theory in the field of international relations and to gauge its advantages and restraints. On the dimension of causal mechanism, this paper focuses on the definition of mechanism, observation of causal mechanis..

Between Strategic Autonomy and Strategic Concern: Exploring the India-U.S. Relationship in Post-Colonial Identity
李思嫺(Szu-hsien Lee)方天賜(Tien-sze Fang)


The paper aims to examine the long-term and deep impact of national identity on India’s foreign policy. In order to address the objective and develop an alternative approach, the study is conducted using the Neo-Classical Realism theory, which combines analyses on systemic structure and states’ behavior at the unit-level, while emphasizing the factor of national identity on the formation of India’s foreign policy and its responses to systemic pressure. This paper argues that it is imperative to take account ..

Global System, Regional Sub-System and the Theorem of Polarity: A Case-Study Revision of Offensive Realism
陳冠安(Kuan-an Chen)張登及(Simon Teng-chi Chang)

本研究認為,為更加切合國際關係的現實,必須從全球與區域層次重新修正國際關係理論的結構現實主義。攻勢現實主義雖然初步涉及全球-區域層次,提出區域霸權概念,不過由於該理論在本體論、體系結構理論和區域層次上的論述缺失,最終還是受到守勢現實主義框架的限制。本文因此以Barry Buzan和Richard Little的「互動能力」概念作為物質性建構的關鍵因素,使攻勢現實主義的本體論和體系結構觀得以動態化,並填補該理論在區域層次上的不足。本文也將區域層次作為全球層次的..

This study argues that in order to fit into international relations, it is neces- sary to establish a global-regional level of structural realism. Despite the con- tribution of Offensive Realism by bringing in regional hegemony to the global level, it challenges the traditional assumption of structural realism, which is the constant anarchy underlies the international system. However, due to the defi- ciency of Offensive Realism in explaining ontology, system-structure theory, as well as the regional level, it ultimately retu..

Analysis of Strategic Developments since Japan Joined the TPP
陳建仁(Chien-Jen Chen)李文堂(Wen-Tang Lee)

本研究主要以新古典現實主義的研究途徑,檢視跨太平洋夥伴關係(TPP)倡議以來,日本民主黨與自由民主黨在國內與國際面向所面臨到的局勢,以此分析對政策發展的影響,並提供合適的解釋,來說明政策轉變的原因。本論文的主要研究步驟如下:首先是理論的部分,針對國際關係主要學派有關外交政策的論點進行辯證;其次,則是簡要說明 TPP 的形成背景與日本相關政策的推動;復次,進一步說明日本歷任內閣對於 TPP 的立場,並討論面臨的課題;最後,再以理論連結決策過程當中..

This paper attempts to analyze domestic and international situations faced by the Democratic Party(DP)and the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP)since the TPP was proposed from the neoclassical realism approach. The purpose of this paper is to analyze policy development impacts and explain the necessity of policy changes. This paper will focus on (1) critical thinking of foreign policy from different major international relations theories, (2) backgrounds of TPP development ..
