國際關係建構主義學者內部不同知識論的爭論或焦慮,尤其是現代建構主義與後現代建構主義的知識論爭議,因為後者根本反對有共同知識論與方法論的存在,影響了建構主義內部的建橋計畫,乃至整個國際關係理論建橋計畫的可能性,更明確地說,國際關係理論的綜合是否可能呢?遂有必要更為細緻與詳細的探討不同建構主義學者個別的觀點,藉以呈現國際關係理論研究的複雜性、多元性。本文以 Alexander Wendt、Jeffrey Checkel、Emanuel Adler 和 David..
The different epistemological assumptions or anxieties among constructivists, particularly, the epistemological debate between modernistic constructivists and postmodernistic constructivists, and it may not only have a profound impact on the bridge building project within constructivism but also on the bridge building projects in the International Relations Theory (IRT). Clearly and namely, can it be possible for the synthesis of IRT? It is necessary to conduct a more sophisticated and detailed research on constructivism&rsqu..
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