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搜尋結果 : 和"總統"有關的資料, 共有136筆
Japan's Taiwan Policy, Its Organizations, Institutions, and Processes: Examples of the Agreement on the Mutual Recognition of Driver's Licenses, the Taiwan-Japan FTA, and the Visit of Former President Lee Teng-Hui in 2001
石原忠浩(Tadahiro Ishihara)

1972 年斷交後的台日雙邊關係,在歷經了艱難時代、冷戰後的現在,迎接新時代。即使台日雙邊沒有正式的外交關係,但是以經貿關係、多元的文化交流為主的民間交流支撐雙邊關係順利地發展。由於台日之間沒有正式的關係,不得不借用「交流協會」與「亞東關係協會」等非官方的機構、管道來維持雙方的互動關係。 本文的主要目的是立足於特殊的雙邊關係結構,探討參與日本對台決策的組織、制度、過程及行動者之間的互動關係,進而企圖建立日本對台政策的模型,嘗試分析、比較..

Diplomatic relations between the Republic of China (Taiwan) and Japan were broken in 1972 - although non-governmental exchanges have continued through the post-Cold War period - and are now entering new era. Despite the lack of formal diplomatic relations, non-governmental exchanges that focus on close economic and trade ties and a multiplicity of cultural exchanges have promoted the smooth development of bilateral relations. Due to the diplomatic break-off, substantive relations need to be conducted through non-governmental ..

Experiences of Germany's Democratization-An Analysis on Systematic and Non-Systematic Factors
蕭國忠(Kwo-Chung Shaw)

作為德國歷史上的第一個民主政體─威瑪共和從誕生開始就是一個「生病的民主」,也是一個「沒有民主人的民主」。威瑪憲法的制定者除了架構起所謂的「程序性民主」之外,同時更在議會制的基礎上賦予民選的總統強大的權力─半總統制,加上欠缺民主文化,以及存在著反體制的政黨,致令威瑪憲法像是特洛伊木馬。最後在議會政治失敗的亂局中,希特勒(Adolf Hitler)率領納粹黨徒從木馬中一躍而出,用原本是保護民主的權力將民主政體合法地謀殺掉。 二戰後的聯邦德國..

As the first democracy in German history, the Weimar Republic was “a sick democracy”, and “a democracy without democrats” ever since it was born. The composers of the Weimar Constitution not only constructed a so-called “procedural democracy”, but also gave the extreme power to the people-elected president – semi-presidentialism – based on the foundation of parliamentary system. Furthermore, accompanied with a political climate that lacked democratic culture and existing parties..
