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搜尋結果 : 和"社會"有關的資料, 共有95筆
Transnational Certification Network: Development and Problems
辛翠玲(Chuei-Ling Shin)

在各種跨國公民社會的組織活動.跨國議題倡議網絡 ( transnational advocacy network, TAN )是近年來常見、且最為學界所知的組織形態。TAN乃源於民間,由民間人士基於主動的認知與共同的理念,結合各界力量所形成的跨國壓力團體。近年 TAN 作法推陳出新,且發展出有別與以往的跨國認證網絡。 跨國認詮網絡係指以標章為工具,將標章賦予道德規範的內涵,藉以推廣其理念的新型TAN。現有認證網絡者,涵蓋有機農業、公平貿易、森林保育、道德貿易等議題。本研究分析跨國..

The theory of transnational advocacy network, developed by Keck and Sikknink in 1998 has been one of the most in-depth and systematic concepts providing insights to the myths of transnational civil societies. The TAN theory depicts how the TAN, originated and led by civil groups, attracts supporters across border lines to collectively pressurize certain target government against improper policies or behaviours. The introduction of the TAN theory has been enormously influential within the transnational level of analysis in IR studies, formin..

國際關係建構主義理論的心物二元論:Alexander Wendt量子社會科學理論的分析與批判
The Mind-Matter Dualism of Constructivism in International Relation Theory: An Analysis and Critique of Alexander Wendt's Quantum Social Science
莫大華(Ta-Hua Mo)

Alexander Wendt 運用量子意識理論作為其建構主義的知識論主張,嘗試證明科學實在論的觀點,也就是可以能科學地研究與證明理念與意識在形成集體認同及行動的作用。Wendt 的量子意識理論肇因於建構主義內部的知識論爭論,他科學實在論的知識論立場引發了不同的批評,遂而提出量子意識理論作為回應,企圖告訴讀者不同的思考世界方式。 本文將聚焦於 Wendt 所提出的量子意識理論(假設)對於建構主義理論 (甚至整個國際關係理論)的意涵,以及..

Alexander Wendt tries to use quantum consciousness theory or hypothesis (QCT) as an epistemological position for his constructivism to defend the scientific realism that it can scientifically research and prove the effects of ideas and consciousness on collective identity formation. Wendt’s QCT resulted from the epistemological debates within constructivism, his scientific realism has generated various critics, he initiated QCT to response these critiques and tried to tell readers how to think the world differently. ..

The Correlation between Internal Reform and External Policy in the Post-Communist Region: Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine
楊三億(San-Yi Yang)

當歐洲聯盟完成 2004 年和 2007 年東擴以後,烏克蘭、白俄羅斯與摩爾多瓦三國成為歐盟與俄羅斯權力競爭的緩衝地帶,此三國外交政策偏好與未來可能走向對歐洲地區未來整合具重要意義。從對外政策制訂過程來看,一國外交政策選擇除受外部環境影響外,內部改革因素不容忽視,尤其歐盟於後冷戰時期推動之擴張政策對周邊國家產生極為深遠之影響。基於此,本文將採取社會穩定、民主化與經濟依賴三要素做為分析架構,以社會穩定與否、民主化程度高低、對外經濟依賴程度三變項理解此三國外交政..

Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine occupy the focal point of political development in the European continent after the end of Cold War when European Union completed its eastern enlargement. The author argues that social stability, democratization and economic dependency are three major factors influencing Belarus, Moldova, and Ukraine’s foreign policy choices. First, the more stable social order within the country, the likelier government may foster a more unified foreign policy. Second, the more democratic political process..
