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搜尋結果 : 和"策略"有關的資料, 共有63筆
Security Policies of European Medium and Small States: Strategies and Transformation
楊三億(San-yi Yang)

歐洲歷經兩極體系瓦解與區域整合不斷推進的國際局勢,處在歐洲大陸的眾多國家各自發展出不同的安全策略、採取多種途徑保障本身國家安全,我們認為歐洲國家的安全策略選擇有其路徑可循,本文著重討論此種策略選擇的因素分析。在案例揀選上,本文特別著重歐洲中小型國家安全策略選擇,這主要是因為過去相當長的時間國際關係學多著重於大國安全研究,對中小型國家重視程度仍有待提升,因此本文擬從中小型國家著手,分析這一群國家安全策略選擇。 在安全策略選擇模式建立上,本..

The European continent has been free of great wars since the end of Cold War. This article assesses security studies in international relations by focusing on middle ground states’ strategic choices in relation to great powers. We argue that Small and Medium States(SMSs)widespread in Eastern Europe, Balkan Peninsula and South Caucasus have their strategic calculations in shaping their security choices. The article posits that the decision-making process of SMSs’ security policies rests upon differentiated and cros..

On the Internationalization of the Renminbi: Its Current State, Road Map and Strategies
黃志典(Jyh-Dean Hwang)

本文根據國際貨幣的內涵與貨幣國際化的前提條件,分析中國推動人民幣國際化的主要措施與目前人民幣國際化的程度,並評估人民幣國際化的未來展望。由於國際貨幣的使用具有很強的慣性,以美元與歐元為主的國際貨幣具有先占者優勢,加上中國的資本管制與金融發展程度偏低等因素的制約,人民幣要成為全球性的國際貨幣,應該是很遙遠的事。但是基於地緣關係、經貿關係與相對的經濟實力,短期內(例如 3 至 5 年)人民幣應該可以在周邊國家扮演貿易計價貨幣的角色。如果中國能夠在這段期期間逐步實..

Based on the connotation of international currency and the preconditions of currency internationalization, this paper investigates the measures taken by the Chinese government to promote the internationalization of the RMB and assesses the current state and prospect of the RMB as an international currency. As the hierarchy of international currencies has a strong inertia, together with strict capital controls and a low level of financial development in China, it will take quite a long time before the RMB emerges as a global c..

Hegemony, Wars, and Petrodollar Mechanism: Signaling of "Conspicuous Altruism"
賽明成(Ming-Chen Shai)陳建維(Chien-Wei Chen)

本文檢視在後冷戰時代石油美元機制對美國霸權之影響,並關注美國領導地位在 1991 年波灣、2003 年伊拉克與 2011 年利比亞等戰爭中的角色。在處理國際事務中,美國霸權逐漸採行單邊行動,因而產生合法性危機之質疑。因此自 1990 年以來,美國便宣稱願意承擔昂貴之經濟成本與犧牲其國家之利益,以便與他國建立聯盟共同對抗流氓國家之威脅。美國能以維繫穩定之國際經濟秩序,與贏得反恐作戰之合法性名義發動先制戰爭。為了理解這一看似非理性之行為,根基於 Pierre B..

This paper explores the impact of petrodollar mechanism on the hegemony of the United States in the post-Cold War era. It particularly focuses on the two wars against Iraq respectively in 1991 and in 2003 and the Libyan war in 2011, all under the leadership of the U.S. The U.S. hegemony has been experiencing a legitimacy crisis caused by its increasing tendency towards unilateral actions in international affairs. In order to form alliances among Western nations to confront the rogue states, the U.S. government has demonstrate..

The Contamination Effect in a Mixed-Member Majoritarian System: the Influence of LDP's Dual Candidacy in the Japanese House Elections (1996-2005)
郭銘峰(Ming-Feng Kuo)黃紀(Chi Huang)王鼎銘(Ding-Ming Wang)

混合式選制融合了多數決與比例代表兩種選制的精神,不過關於此種選制兩票架構對投票的影響,有兩種截然不同的主張:一是認為兩票各自獨立運作,其影響可以獨立估算;另一派則主張兩票抉擇會相互影響,亦即具有所謂連動效果(interaction effects,或稱感染效果 contamination effects)的存在,因此必須綜合考量兩票架構的互動關係。而在日本施行的混合選制,又因允許候選人在兩種選票間重複提名,更使得其兩票間的連動關係益形複雜。 ..

The Mixed Electoral System combines the spirits of plurality and proportional representation. The way two-ballot structure influencing the voting behavior however is not settled. Of the two distinctive schools, one believed that two ballots work separately and therefore, their influences should be estimated independently. The other group advocated the existence of contamination effects (or interaction effects), and believed that it is necessary to consider the interaction between two ballots. As for the Mixed- Member Majorita..
