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搜尋結果 : 和"歷史研究 "有關的資料, 共有1筆
The Development of Military Innovation Studies: An Interdisciplinary Perspective
陳文政(York W. Chen)

軍事創新自 1980 年代中葉起成為戰略研究的重要研究議題之一,從創新一詞的提出,與對擴散、邏輯漸進主義以及突現性變革途徑等相關概念的轉化、應用與深入研究,均呈現出跨科際研究的多元風貌。在各種背景不同、功能互異的學科交相衝擊下,使得軍事創新的相關論述不斷推陳出新。加上後冷戰時期,各主要國家軍隊為因應威脅形態的轉變,無不積極從事軍事轉型的工作,這些因素使得創新與轉型不僅成為戰略研究中的學理論戰焦點,更具有鮮明的實務重要性。誠如 Andrew Pettigrew 所言:對於創新的研究不當限於..

Military innovation became one of the major research agendas within the field of strategic studies since the mid-1980s. The military innovation studies, at the onset, presented the landscape of interdisciplinary diversity From the introduction of the term "innovation" to the translation, application, and investigation of related concepts such as diffusion, logical incrementalism, or emergent approach, the knowledge of military innovation, which was deeply affected by the contributions of various disciplines whose academic backgrou..
