本文試圖深入分析私權威的概念,並評析近期學界對於自願性全球標準的研究成果。本文認為,私權威的概念能對全球治理研究提供兩項重要貢獻:首先,私權威的概念挑戰了強調國際無政府狀態的傳統觀點以及以國家為中心的研究途徑。其次,私權威的概念有助於研究者以行為者導向的途徑來解釋全球治理中的變異現象。以私權威的概念作為基礎,本文疏 理了自願性全球標準的發展情勢,並以氣候債券倡議組織作為關鍵個案,評析自願性全球標準的三個研究方向:自願性全球標準的形成、自願性全球標準在形式上的變異,以及自願性全球標準的成效..
This article examines the concept of private authority and the current studies of voluntary global standards. This article argues that the concept of private authority can contribute to the study of global governance in two ways. First, the concept of private authority challenges the traditional views of international anarchy and the state-center approach. Second, the concept of private authority provides the foundation for the actor-oriented approach to explain the variation in global governance. Based on the concept of private authority, ..
傳統國際關係研究在討論霸權的相關課題時,多是探索霸權相對權力優勢的消長,認為失去權力優勢的霸權,將難逃新興國家的挑戰,霸權交替萌起於無可避免的霸權戰爭。國關學界依順國際政治是一種權力競爭的思路,多是以物質權力作為評量霸權的基準,相對忽視權威暨治理正當性等因素在構成霸業的作用,進而忽略霸權領導的治理權威,霸權如何維繫霸業的討論,更限縮在有限的強制宰制,忽視正當性對強化霸權統御的作用。 本文試圖檢驗權威在霸權治理過程中所扮演的角色與作用,以..
IR studies on hegemony have paid much attention on the relative decline and uprising of powers, which has constituted the perspective that the factors of uneven-growth will cause the downfall of hegemony and the rising power will replace the old one after the former poses great challenges to the declining hegemon and wins the hegemonic war. Though the term of hegemony has deeply implied the characters of leadership, IR generally defines the hegemony as an international order within which one state constitute her dominance wit..
國際關係理論多集中於討論無政府狀態(anarchy)假設延伸下的國家互動,對國際體系中的層級(hierarchy)現象,並沒有多所注意。尤其新現實 主義的研究典範,忽略國際體系發生層級結構的可能性,更輕視討論層級結構的價值。 層級結構是國家在國際體系內追求發展與生存的過程中,所衍生出的一種權力分配暨權威(authority)規範的建構結果。霸權穩定論(Hegemony Stability Theory)與權力轉移論(Power Tran..
Neorealism and Neoliberial-institutionalism have paid little attention to the international hierarchy because international hierarchy could not take place in an international anarchic structure. The international hierarchy is a constructed result coming from the interaction of power distribution and normative authority in the process of which states seek survival and development in the international system. The international hierarchy has four characters: the asymmetry of actor’s power resources, the differen..
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