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搜尋結果 : 和"戰爭"有關的資料, 共有53筆
Non-War Offense and Defense: On Preventive Measures Taken by the United States Towards China


In the international arena where powerful nations coexist, and the possibility of war exists, there are differing opinions on who triggers wars. Power transition theory suggests that a rising power will initiate war against a dominant power out of dissatisfaction with the status quo. Other argue that the declining state is motivated by preventive motivation to take action against rising adversary. However, both the power transition theory and the preventive motivation argument primarily focus on the initiation of war. This perspective refle..

自由保守與國粹保守: 現代日本保守主義的兩種面向
Liberal Conservatism and National Conservatism: Two Aspects of Modern Japanese Conservatism
安井伸介Shinsuke Yasui


The literature and academia have paid widespread attention to modern Japanese conservatism. Japan’s political society tends to be considered as leaning towards the right especially after the 1990s, resulting in many studies focusing on modern Japanese conservatism and criticizing its phenomenon. Past studies, however, did not often analyze the issue from the viewpoint of political thought, and therefore, this essay aims to fill such a gap. Conservatism has taken on an important role around the world, constitu..

武裝衝突期間軍隊的文化資產保護角色及其實踐: 2003年伊拉克戰爭的影響
The Military’s Roles and Practices of Cultural Property Protection during Armed Conflicts: The Effects of the Iraq War (2003-2011)
郭雪真(Hsueh-Chen Kuo)

武裝衝突期間軍隊保護人類文化資產的角色,國際人道法、國際人權法與國際刑法訂有相關的義務及規範,但此義務或法律規範具體的落實則是有賴於國際組織與強國(主要是美國)在不同的戰爭或武裝衝突期間的實際經驗。即使美國在2003年伊拉克戰爭前已經規劃保護當地文化資產的措施,軍隊及其盟軍仍遭致批評未能保護文化資產。後續2004年在科索沃戰爭期間未能保護東正教(Eastern Orthodox)修道院及防止種族屠殺之間的兩難、2005年在伊拉克薩馬拉(Samarra)歷史1..

This research tries to explore the evolution of international laws regarding the cultural property protection (CPP) during the event of armed conflict with armed forces having obligations to protect cultural property from Law of War, International Humanitarian Law, Law of International Human Rights and International Criminal Law. However, the international practices were based on the interactions of international politics and international laws have been played by great powers (particularly United States) in wars or armed con..

US Civil-Military Relations in the Presidential Tenure of George W. Bush (2001-2006)
洪陸訓(Lu-Hsun Hung)

本文探討美國小布希總統任內的文武關係。置重點於文人統制與軍人專業倫理的理念與實踐。內容重點包括:美國文武關係理論,文人主導的戰爭和軍事轉型,文人領導風格,文、武領導者之間的衝突,退役將領對文人領導者的批評,以及文武關係理論的檢視。文、武之間的衝突,主要源自 911 攻擊事件後,美國在阿富汗和伊拉克發動的反恐戰爭過程中,雙方在用兵計畫與實施上的爭執,以及文人國防部長倫斯斐領導風格所導致軍事將領的反彈。這一過程,在美國文武關係演變上所顯示的意涵在於:一、文武關係..

This study discussed the civil-military relations in the United States during George W. Bush’s presidency(2001-2006)and focused on civilian control, notions and fulfillment of military professionalism. The key points included American civil-military relations theories, wars and military transformations led by civilians, civilian leadership styles, conflicts between the civilian and military top rankings, criticisms on civilian leaderships by retired generals, and reviews of civil-military relations theories. Civilian an..
