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Open Political Market: An Alternative Choice for Perpetual Peace
張亞中(Ya-Chung Chang)

本文屬於規範性的研究,在於提出個人對於國際永久和平的看法。本文分為六個部分。首先,對於歷史上曾經出現過的國際和平思想進程進行析論;其次,探討目前有無可能跳越「國家」這個長久存在的和平論述主體? 第三,嘗試解開和平論述的傳統面紗,將和平論述的主體從抽象的「國家」 轉移到更為實質的「政府」;第四,介紹「開放和平論」的理論基礎;第五,探究「開放政治市場」在歷史發展過程中曾經有過的若干實踐經驗及其意義;最後,則是對「開放政治市場」的內涵及實踐可行性表述。「開放政治市..

This article is normative in nature; it attempts to delineate the author’s view on international peace in six parts. It begins with a review of the development of international peace theory, and then advances to a discussion on the possibility of skipping the “state”—the long established subject in peace discourse—in our probing of the issue in point. The third part attempts to shift the abstract subject of the “state” in traditional peace discourse to a more substantial one of the &l..

EMU Entry Strategies: A Literature Review and Simulation Analysis
葉國俊(Kuo-Chun Yeh)

經濟學界基於 1990 年代歐洲匯率機制危機的歷史教訓,與新近發展的內生整合理論,多認為即使無法擺脫馬斯垂克條約整合門檻的法規束縛,歐洲貨幣同盟至少應儘快邀請有意加入歐元區的歐盟東歐成員國,在此一過渡階段進行密切的經濟貨幣政策協調合作,以免再度發生匯率與金融危機。本文首先對經濟學界就歐洲貨幣同盟擴張議題,所發表的重要文獻進行評述。其次根據既有論點,以東歐經濟規模最大的捷克、匈牙利、波蘭作為研究對象,結合簡單的總體經濟模型與賽局分析概念,探討三國已為歐盟成員,..

Some economists believe that even if the Maastricht convergence criteria is indispensable, the European Monetary Union should at least invite Central and Eastern European countries to participate in economic policy coordination as soon as possible, on the basis of the theory of endogeneity and the experience of the ERM crisis in the 1990s. The purposes of this research are 1)to provide an economic literature review about the issue of EMU enlargement and 2)to determine whether a bilateral coalition of an accession country and ..
