民眾政治態度的研究中,政治信任感一直是學者關注的重要主題。本研究以 2004 年總統選舉期間,民眾政治信任感的變化為重點,分析發生在本次總統選舉的「三一九槍擊案」,是否會對於民眾政治信任感產生影響。民眾對選舉過程的程序公正性評估,是否會影響民眾的政治信任感,也是本研究分析的重點。 本研究運用政治大學選舉研究中心在 2004 年選舉前後所進行的定群追蹤研究資料以及在選後執行的訪問資料進行分析,結果發現:民眾在選舉前後,其政治信任感並未產生..
Political trust is an important topic in the field of political attitude research. The focus of this paper is on the changes and continuity in the level of political trust during the 2004 presidential election in Taiwan. We examine the impacts that the controversial March 19 shooting attempt had on political trust. We also explore whether or not evaluations of the procedural fairness of the presidential campaign affect political trust. This study employs panel data collected before and after the 2004 presidential e..
受到 1980 年代起國際關係理論第三次大辯論的影響,政治地授學者與國際關係學者也將後設理論的爭論帶進地緣政治研究,後現代地緣政治或批判性地緣政治是運用後結構主義、後現代主義與批判理論作為其論述的哲學基礎。批判性地緣政治是質疑傳統地緣政治的本體論與知識論的前提假定,解構傳統地緣政治對世界政治的觀察,以及挑戰其以國家為中心的政治實踐。也就是解構傳統地緣政治的霸權論述,以及質疑在主要強國的地緣政治實踐所發現的權力關係。批判性地緣政治研究影響了地緣政治研究的方向與內涵,擴展了其研究議題,但要改..
Due to the influence of the third Great Debate on International Relations Theory in the 1980s, scholars in Geopolitics and International Relations have brought the debates of metatheory into geopolitical research. They have used Post structuralism, Postmodernism, and Critical Theory philosophical foundations to question traditional geopolitics about its ontological and epistemological assumptions, to destructure its perspectives on world politics, and to challenge its state-centered political practices. Therefore, they have been called the ..
Since the terror attack of 9-11, international terrorism has become the focus of International Relations research. This paper attempts to study the content of international terrorism through four aspects: structure, strategy, instrument, and funding. Through the discussion on the structure of including the parties involved, motives, and operations, this paper extends to analyze the strategy and instrumentations of terrorism, and the mode of gathering and flows of funding. What this paper hopes to achieve is to help us gain a deeper in..
在過去的二十年以來,理論辯論成為寬廣的國際關係理論領域中日益顯著的部份。如果我們需要使用一組可信而適當的理論,來回答關於在特定條件下國際關係理論分歧的向題,則現有理論無法提供一個滿意的答案。 本文嘗試提出一個整體的觀點,來理解國際關係中的研究途徑與理論概念現存的分歧情形。基此目的,本研究的目標,在於藉由統攝概念的運動,以建立 一個國際關係理論分歧現象的分析架構,來理解那些主理論分歧的現象。 本文的討論並未解決那些現存理論分歧的問題,只是嘗試說明一個理論的爭議將會如何予以解..
Over the last 20 years, theoretical debates have become an increasingly conspicuous part in the broader field of international Relations Theory. If we are in need of an adequate theory that provides a set of plausible and testable answers to questions about theoretical diversity under specified conditions, the existing theory, in term, does not suffice. This paper attempts to provide a comprehensive perspective to understand the existing diversity of research approaches and theoretical concepts of international relations. To this end, t..
1990年統一前,東德由德國社會主義統一黨進行威權統治,西德則為一個自由民主國家,政黨在公平的競爭制度中運作。兩德統一後,政治制度迥異的兩個體系在重整過程中,必然會出現嚴重的磨合現象。不同於以往探究政黨體系僅重視體系內單純的「相關性政黨數字」的變化,與政黨「意識形態」距離與強度的差異,本論文試著從「社會分歧」(social cleavage)出發,觀察德國統一以來,社會結構分歧程度與政黨反應此基礎所呈現的互動關係,並說明政黨勢力的興衰,如何合作結盟或是分裂結構,已呈現德國政黨體系的內涵特..
Before German unification in 1990, East Germany/GDR was authoritarian-governed by the Socialist Unity Party of Germany and West Germany/FRG was a democratic state with a relatively fair competitive party system. Serious conflicts between totally different political systems must have emerged when they started to become a unified state. Differing from the traditional approach to studying party systems through party numbers and ideologies, the author will, through “social cleavage,” examine how German parties reflect the change of ..
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