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The Political Economy of Japan's Financial Changes: When the Developmental State is No Longer Developing
林文斌(Wen-Pin Lin)

日本戰後形成的發展型國家體制被視為是1990 年代「失落十年」的元兇,日本政府因此採取了眾多政治與經濟上的構造改革。本文檢視日本發展型國家體制中兩個促成日本經濟成長的重要制度如何因改革而發生變化:一是力量強大的大藏省用來保護金融界的「護送船團」金融監理制度,二是傳統上金融界相互分擔分險、銀行和企業間特殊溝通管道而形成的「主要經辦銀行制度」。不少學者認為日本發展型國家已經轉型為英美式的監理型國家,但本文發現,雖然改革後的金融監理制度可說趨向監理型國家,「主要經..

The developmental state built after WWII has been blamed for Japan’s “lost decade” of the 1990s. The Japanese government takes a lot of structure reforms in politics and economics. This article examines how the two- important traditional structures of Japanese developmental state that were named as the engines of postwar economic successes were transformed by reforms. The first is so called “convoy system” financial regulation: the powerful ministry Okurasho with this system protected the financi..

Globalization under the Dialectical Interactions between the Changing Ways of Production and Consumption
徐振國(Chen-Kuo Hsu)


Globalization has become a major research topic in the post-Cold War period. In the aspect of methodology, globalization includes the nature of dialectical logic. Accordingly, this article will present the four connected dialectical dimensions. First, with regards to the background of second Industrial Revolution, it will discuss the emergence of the Fordist way of production and its political-economic impacts. Then, in lines with Fordism, it will discuss the promotion of the practice of mass consumption to the theory of cons..

The States' Implementation of the Kyoto Protocol
傅岳邦(Yueh-Pang Fu)高文彬(Wen-Bing Gau)

1997 年 12 月聯合國氣候變化綱要公約的京都議定書問世以來,各國的履行狀況各異:有些國家選擇履行,有些國家選擇不履行;有些國家履行的步調迅速,有些國家履行的步調緩慢。本文運用關係締約途徑,從剩餘控制權利與全球環境治理結構、交易成本與全球環境治理結構調適等面向,分析影響各國履行的因素。 全球環境治理結構愈是偏向行動者剩餘控制權利懸殊的階層關係,各行動者所須付出的治理成本愈高,愈偏好傾向無政府關係的全球環境治理結構,以降低治理成本;另..

Due to the presence of states’ various implementing conditions of Kyoto Protocol since December 1997, this essay intends to analyze the factors through dimensions of rights of residual control, global environmental governance structure, transaction cost, and the adaptation of global environmental governance structure from relational contracting approaches. Actors tend to choose more anarchical relations of global environmental governance structure to decrease high governance costs resulted from hierarchical r..

The Implications of the UK's Euro Membership for the City of London as a World Financial Center: A Choice between Two Paradigms
羅至美(Chih-Mei Luo)


This paper examines what the euro means, both to the current offshore- dominated City of London (the City) and for its future development. With its offshore nature, the City benefits more from the introduction of the euro than being threatened. Its competitive advantage as an offshore global portal of euro-related business, however, does not harmonize opinions within the City on the issue of the UK’s euro membership. Rather, City practitioners’ attitudes are divided. This finding thus challenges the conventional w..
