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US Civil-Military Relations in the Presidential Tenure of George W. Bush (2001-2006)
洪陸訓(Lu-Hsun Hung)

本文探討美國小布希總統任內的文武關係。置重點於文人統制與軍人專業倫理的理念與實踐。內容重點包括:美國文武關係理論,文人主導的戰爭和軍事轉型,文人領導風格,文、武領導者之間的衝突,退役將領對文人領導者的批評,以及文武關係理論的檢視。文、武之間的衝突,主要源自 911 攻擊事件後,美國在阿富汗和伊拉克發動的反恐戰爭過程中,雙方在用兵計畫與實施上的爭執,以及文人國防部長倫斯斐領導風格所導致軍事將領的反彈。這一過程,在美國文武關係演變上所顯示的意涵在於:一、文武關係..

This study discussed the civil-military relations in the United States during George W. Bush’s presidency(2001-2006)and focused on civilian control, notions and fulfillment of military professionalism. The key points included American civil-military relations theories, wars and military transformations led by civilians, civilian leadership styles, conflicts between the civilian and military top rankings, criticisms on civilian leaderships by retired generals, and reviews of civil-military relations theories. Civilian an..

Obstacles and Challenges of International Norms Diffusion: A Case Study of Taiwan's Acceptance of IAEA's Joint Convention on the Safety of Spent Fuel Management and on the Safety of Radioactive Waste Management
曾雅真(Yea-Jen Tseng)

探究國際規範擴散,是解析國際社會規範塑造國家偏好、利益與行為,以及探索國際社會共享知識文化構成的重要課題。現有國際規範擴散的研究成果,多以人權作為研究案例,偏重國際組織、非政府組織與知識社群的作用,但是亦遭遇線性思考的批評,難以解釋國家為何不遵從的盲點。 檢視臺灣轉換 IAEA 用過核燃料暨放射性廢物管理安全聯合公約的歷程,可以發現國際組織與非政府組織的作用十分薄弱,而享有專業科學知識的政府組織,僅看重科學技術在核安全事務扮演的有限角色..

International norms diffusion is an important issue by which we explore how the international social norms have shaped national preferences, interests, and behaviors, as well as the constitution of shared knowledge in the international community. Taking largely from human rights case studies, existing findings on international norms diffusion have mainly suffered from linear thinking and difficulties in explaining noncompliance of international norms. Analyzing the transfer of the Joint Convention on the Safety of ..

Securitization of Food Issues in the UN and China's Food Security Governance
林義鈞(Scott Y. Lin)

本文起源於兩大研究問題:誰在治理中國的糧食安全?中國糧食安全嗎?因此使用聯合國糧食安全定義分析中國大陸糧食安全治理機制與治理狀況,主要發現有兩點:第一是糧食議題的安全化進展。聯合國雖然從 1970 年代中葉就開始進行糧食議題的安全化,並且逐步在 1970 年代將糧食充足性,1980 年代將糧食可取得性,1990 年代將食物使用性等項目列入糧食安全的指標中,但是氣候變遷卻在 21 世紀初期成為威脅糧食安全的新變數,使得糧食供需及取得的穩定性在近期成為糧食安全的..

This paper arises from an attempt to answer the two following questions: (1)Who is responsible for China’s food security governance?(2)Is China’s food security status secured? Definition of food security constructed by the United Nations(UN)was applied to analyze China’s food security governance and status, with two important findings. First, regarding securitization of the food issues, while the UN has gradually taken food availability(since the 1970s), accessibility(since the 1980s), and utilization and sa..
