本體論為任何研究之始,能動者 / 結構爭論為以 Waltz 為首之結構現實主義與 Wendt 為代表之建構主義在本體論層次的重要歧異點之一,為此,兩派學者自 1980 年代末黨論戰迄今。儘管本體論的問題具有政治性,不見得有終極與明確的答案,但籍由本體論的討論可以讓吾人更能瞭解兩派理論在深層假設的異同。本文在敘明能動者/結構爭論在理論發展上的重要性後,進行爭論中相關重要概念——如能動者、能動性、結構等——的闡述,除追蹤這些概念在社會學上的根源..
All research begins with ontology. The agent/structure debate represents one of the most profound discrepancies and the least conclusive contests in this regard between Structural Realism and Constructivism since the late 1980s. Though politics is the terrain of competing ontology;definite and clear-cut answers are hardly attainable, a serious discussion on ontological issues can lead us to penetrate the assumptions deeply embedded in both theories. This article first examines theoretical significances in the agent/structure debate and ..
在國際關係的研究領域中,不論是國家中心論或是以體系為主的體系理論,都以國家為研究的客體。伴隨著全球化浪潮,「全球治理」概念的出現,表明以國家為主的國際政治體系已無法解決國際環境的複雜變化,須藉助許多跨國性次級團體來共同治理。有鑑於此,新現實主義、新自由主義、 與建構主義中以國家為給定對象的國際關係主流理論,遇到解釋上的局限, 需要建構一套新的本體論與知識論,俾有效解釋在國際政治中逐漸呈現的多元行為體治理現象。本文認為國際關係理論面臨三個問題的挑戰:一、如何解..
Theories of international relations(IR), whether through state-centric or systemic approach, put states as centers of research objectives. With trending globalization, the advent of the global governance concepts manifests that a state-focused international political system without transnational sub-political groups has failed to respond to complex changes in the international environment. Accordingly, this challenges neo-realism, neo- liberalism, and constructivism, which focus on the state-centric approach and experience ex..
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