蘇聯自 1922 年建立後,在主權的實踐上有兩重要的轉折點,一是 1922 年的建立,是透過條約的簽訂而組成。也就是 1922 年的蘇聯在本質上具有「邦聯」的性質。但是,隨著 1924 年蘇聯憲法的通過,「邦聯」的蘇聯轉換 成「聯邦」的蘇聯,原來俄羅斯聯邦、烏克蘭、白俄羅斯及外高加索聯邦四個共和國主權的安排,透過憲法架構下「自由退出權」的設計得到妥協。在這樣的架構下,蘇聯體制的變異性成為一個特殊的現象。這種變異性使蘇聯在聯合國創立之初,就出現「一國三席」的特殊現象:除蘇聯在安理會擔任常任理事國外,蘇聯 15 個加盟共和國中的烏克蘭及白俄羅斯兩個加盟共和國亦成為聯合國會員國,而在大會中擁有席次。
During its establishment in 1922 and political transformation in 1924, the USSR transformed from a confederation to a federation through the Soviet Constitution in 1924. As a result, four sovereignties, including the original Russian SFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Byelorussian SSR, and the Transcaucasian SFSR, were entitled free exit rights as a compromise under the constitutional framework. This structure led to a unique phenomenon where one nation had three seats at the UN. While the USSR served as a permanent member in the UN Security Council, the Ukrainian SSR and the Byelorussian SSR, two of the fifteen union republics of the USSR, were also official UN members with seats in the General Assembly.
2006 年,索羅門群島政府先後宣布澳大利亞駐索羅門群島高專科爾 (Patrick Cole) 及澳籍警察總監卡索(Shane Castles) 為「不受歡迎人物」(persona non grata) ,兩國外交關係惡化,之後索羅門群島向國際控訴,由澳大利亞領導的「索羅門群島區域援助團」(RAMSI) 不符索羅門群島期待,希望RAMS I 撤離。太平洋各島國於是在同年1 0月舉行的第3 7 屆「太平洋島圈論壇」 (Pacific Islands Forum , PIF) 峰會上, 決定..
The government of Soloman Islands declared former Australian high commissioner Patrick Cole and police commissioner Shane Castles as persona non grata in 2006. The incidence had worsened the relationship between Soloman Islands and Australia. The Prime Minister of Soloman Islands, Manasseh Sogavare, wants RAMSI to evacuate from his country. In order to resolve this dispute, the 37th Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) in 2006 established the Forum Troika of the past, present and incoming chairs to review RAMSI and its future. RAMSI is a regiona..
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