本文主要分三大部分,首先從「新現實主義」、「新自由主義」與「善治」等三個角度,探索歐盟 (European Union/EU) 對中國政策的產出背景與運作邏輯。其次,本文將從實踐面著手,從歐盟與中國對彼此發表的八份文件,分析歐盟對中國政策的具體實踐,並檢視歐盟與中國在「軍售」、「WTO與市場經濟地位」以及「人權」三個問題上的互動與折衝。最後,本文將檢討與評估歐盟對中國政策的運作成效,以及歐盟內部成員國的立場對於歐盟對中國政策產出的影響,並展望歐盟的中國政策對其區域與全球戰略佈局的未來發展。
本文認為,新現實主義與新自由主義的思維仍將主導歐盟的中國政策,歐盟成員國間的立場與態度,也會對未來政策的走向具有一定的主導作用; 然而,在其全球戰略的規劃上,歐盟將積極納入「善治」的思維,用以推動與中國的交往和合作,以達到和平演變中國體制,並讓中國承擔更多全球治理責任,達成建立一個和平與穩定的國際社會的最終目標。
This article is divided into three major parts. It first explores the background and logic of EU's China policy from three aspectds : Neo-Realism, Neo-Liberalism and Good Governance. It then turns to practices and reviews EU's China policy based on eight documents issued by EU and China. It analyzes the reciprocity, negotiation, and compromise between EU and China on three issues of arms sales, WTO and market economy status, and human rights. In the final part, it reviews and evaluates the effect of EU's China policy and its member states' influence on the development of the policy, and looks into the role of its China policy in its future regional and global strategic deployment.
This article maintains that Neo-Realism and Neo-Liberalism will still dominate EU's China policy. The stance and attitude of its member states will affect its future policy. In its global strategy planning, EU will bring in the thinking of “Good Governance”, promotes its exchange and cooperation with China to achieve peaceful transformation of the Chinese regime, and to have China shoulders greater responsibility in global governance to reach for the final goal of a peaceful and stable international society.
權力與國家利益是國際政治研究的主要探討因素,也是國際關係學界戰後研究的起點,本文認為「權力」決定「國家利益」,進而限制「國家行為」的觀點 ,在國際人權規範下未必依舊是當代國際政治與國家行為的鐵律。從冷戰後國際社會的維持和平行動來看,有相當程度國家武力干預並非出於國家利益的動機,亦非與地緣戰略有關,而只是為了去維持國際社會的價值,一種強調人權價值、避免種族淨化的發生。這種國際社會的價值 (人性尊嚴、法治、民主) ,某種程度存有所謂規範制約權力的成分,強調權力的使用來自合法性,而這規範的形塑..
Power and national interest constitute an important research topic in the study of international politics, and can be seen as the starting point for the study of international relations in the post-war period. A number of scholars have asserted that “power” determines “national interest." Such a view, however, can result in an excessively restricted understanding of “national behavior," since the relationship between contemporary international politics and national behavior is not necessarily an ironclad on..
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