The South-South investment has increased dramatically in the 21st century. It has been anticipated to promote South Countries’ economic development, while related problems and challenges remain.
The goal of this essay is to explore the significance of South-South investment in the context of South-South Cooperation, and the South Countries’ policy responses to national security risk over South-South investment. This article is designed to be an introductory essay, with a moderate goal of illustrating the meanings and characteristics of South-South investment, while analyzing the connections between South-South investment and national security. This article proposes a preliminary theoretical explanation regarding how South Countries respond to the challenges of national security risk over South-South investment by illustrating some relevant cases, in hopes of paving the way for future research.
美國為因應後冷戰時期國際安全環境與威脅的改變,至 1996 年止已執行多次全面性的兵力結構檢討。然而,國會認為國防部僅考量維持現有規模與預算,而非依外在安全環境與威脅的改變來調整所需兵力結構。因此,國會為因應二十一世紀的威脅及確保美國國家安全利益,通過「1996 年軍力結構總檢法案」,要求國防部配合總統任期執行「四年期國防總檢」及將評估重點予以法制化。鑑於國內學術界對美國「四年期國防總檢」的論述均以報告內容為重點,故本文將從理性決策與戰略規劃面向,來評析美國..
In response to the changes of international security environment and threat in the post-Cold War era, the United States had conducted various comprehensive assessment of its force structure in 1990-1996 periods. However, the Congress pointed out the Department of Defense intended to realign the force structure just from the view of keeping forces size and defense budget and not from the changes of security environment and threat. In order to meet the threats and protect the U.S. national security interests in the twenty-first..
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