冷戰的結束為全球國際情勢創造了新的現況,「安全」的意義不再只是狹義的以「國家」為「安全」的唯一適用單位,「人類安全」概念在這樣的背景下出現。唯「人類安全」指的是「誰的」安全? 針對此一問題,本文從移民議題與人類安全概念的相容性切入,探討人類安全概念在移民議題上之適用性。文章進而專注於歐盟對人類安全概念之論述,並以近年非洲企圖渡海抵達歐洲之移民情況為個案來評估歐盟將人類安全付諸實踐之情況。結論指出,「人類安全」之思維既已得到歐盟支持認同,則那些鋌而走險企圖尋求較好生活環境的非法移民在跨海過程中所遭遇的險境自然成了歐盟所無法規避的責任。唯歐盟傳統支柱觀念與議題分工未能打破的情況下,「人類安全」概念在歐洲共同移民領域之落實目前看來尚不可期。
The new international status quo resulted from the end og the Cold War has broadened tthe definition of "security". No longer does "security" pertian only to "nations", a theme best epitomized by the concept of "human security".
The concept of human security, however, has been under attack for its lack of clarity regarding "whose" security it aims to analyze. This article tackles this problem by probing into the applicability of the concept on the migration issue. It focuses on the case of illegal immigrants attempting to enter the European Union (EU) from Africa. Its findings show that there is little problem with applying the concept of human security on imgration.
Nevertheless, even though the EU has readily incorporated the concept into its foreign policies, it will be a long way before the concept can play any role in the EU's handling of the migration issue.
2014 年 2 月爆發的烏克蘭危機是歐洲當前最嚴肅的區域安全挑戰,這不僅是因為烏克蘭危機使得歐洲再度出現區域衝突情勢,同時也因列強介入而使得地緣競爭強度漸趨激烈。學界多探討烏克蘭危機及其背後的歐洲地緣競爭意涵,然較少從烏克蘭內部安全策略選擇的角度分析,本文嘗試補充此等觀點,從內部因素出發,分析烏克蘭內部政治如何影響區域危機的發生。 本文認為:第一,烏克蘭受制於強權競爭,使烏克蘭與其他中間地帶國家,都必須在左右強權互動格局下進行回應與策..
Ukraine is situated strategically between EU and Russia. The outbreak of the Euromaidan Revolution(February 2014)designates the advent of severe geopolitical competition in the European continent. Though it is crucial to understand this competition through the lens of great power rivalry, small and medium countries that exert certain leverages between great powers also warrant our attention. We argue that the domestic approach is suitable to explain the transformation of Ukraine’s security choices. We first develop an a..
本文主要分三大部分,首先從「新現實主義」、「新自由主義」與「善治」等三個角度,探索歐盟 (European Union/EU) 對中國政策的產出背景與運作邏輯。其次,本文將從實踐面著手,從歐盟與中國對彼此發表的八份文件,分析歐盟對中國政策的具體實踐,並檢視歐盟與中國在「軍售」、「WTO與市場經濟地位」以及「人權」三個問題上的互動與折衝。最後,本文將檢討與評估歐盟對中國政策的運作成效,以及歐盟內部成員國的立場對於歐盟對中國政策產出的影響,並展望歐盟的中國政策對其區域與全球戰略佈局的未來發展..
This article is divided into three major parts. It first explores the background and logic of EU's China policy from three aspectds : Neo-Realism, Neo-Liberalism and Good Governance. It then turns to practices and reviews EU's China policy based on eight documents issued by EU and China. It analyzes the reciprocity, negotiation, and compromise between EU and China on three issues of arms sales, WTO and market economy status, and human rights. In the final part, it reviews and evaluates the effect of EU's China policy and its mem..
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