In order to answer the question of how the cross-strait trade influence Taiwan’s housing prices, this study argues that two mechanisms mattered: first, the driving force of the market; and second, the financialization of real estate in corporations. I argue that the profitable environment of real estate was built by the government’s neoliberal policy from the 1990s due to Taiwan’s massive capital outflow to China. The environment attracted capital from cross-strait trade and resulted in many big corporations investing in real estate developments. To investigate the above arguments, I test the hypotheses by panel VARX and fixed-effects model on balanced and unbalanced panel data at both the county-level and corporate-level from 2000 to 2019. I find that the housing prices did inflate when Taiwan’s trade surplus with China increased, and the annual income from its subsidiary companies in the real estate industry in Taiwan also grew when the total sales and the assets of Taiwan’s consortiums in China increased, though with limited job creation in local Taiwan. The study verified the impacts of cross-strait trade on Taiwan’s real estate development, as well as suggested the relatively low tax rate was the main reason to explain the high housing prices in contemporary Taiwan.
自華盛頓共識以降,拉美國家落實新自由主義政策與結構調整,卻無力解決根深蒂固的貧窮與社會不均問題。進入後華盛頓共識時代,懸而未解的發展難題催促拉美國家繼續尋求替代發展的道路,並促成二十一世紀前十八年南美洲興起一波反新自由主義的左派政權,又稱「粉紅色浪潮」。這波趨勢的共同性在於:都試圖解決獨尊市場經濟遺留的社會不公與貧窮問題,並尋求一個兼顧經濟成長與更合理社會分配的替代發展方案。 事實上,拉美替代發展方案經常是「價值理性」取向的,政治領袖又深..
In the post-Washington Consensus era, the pending social inequality and poverty have pushed South American New Left governments to seek “alternative developments” in the dawn of the 21st century, which is the so-called “Pink tide.” These governments’ motive is to seek an alternative development plan to address the social injustice and poverty left by market economy under the neoliberal model. In fact, the common feature of this alternative development trend is characterized by a strong..
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