Mainstream IR theories are typically multilateral. However, for any multilateral frame or value to last, bilateral relations must be able to resolve conceivable limitations. Thus, bilateral relations should be intrinsic to IR theorization. We use the United Kingdom in the aftermath of WWII as our case. The UK managed bilateral relations with the United States and China as ways to overcome its decline after the war. The bilateral relations transcend the multilateral frame and value. Accordingly, the UK’s two bilateral relations are inconsistent, but together are conducive to maintaining UK’s nominal status which has been challenged under its extant multilateral frame.
As a reminder for the domestic scholars in International Relations to acquaint to the International Historical Sociology(HIS), this paper aims at researching the development, reflections and prospects of IHS, while analyzing its strengths and future orientations. This paper presents a five-part analysis to reach these aims. The first part describes the popularity of IHS. Though more scholars have paid attentions to it in recent years, the trends in Taiwan have been opposite. This paper drafts a short review and call for Inter..
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