從兩次世界大戰至今,國際政治結構與秩序發生幾次重大的轉變。集體安全制度的形成、戰爭形態的改變、以及全球化與區域化發展所帶來新的問題與威脅等,使傳統「中立」制度與觀念面臨存廢的挑戰。另一方面,實踐上,有關「中立」概念的主張與應用卻始終存在。有鑒於此,本文擬從國際政治發展的不同階段,以宏觀的角度來探討「中立」概念的源起以及法律與政策面的發展與轉變,嘗試對「中立」概念在現代國際秩序中的角色與作用進行理論和實踐的觀察與分析。 從法律層面來看,傳..
Since the two World Wars, the structure and order of international politics have undergone considerable changes. In particular, the creation of the collective security system, new forms of warfare and new problems and threats emerging from globalization and regionalization, challenge the value of “neutrality” in the new international environment. But in practice, contrary to stated facts, states continue to make use of the concept under international law or in international politics. Thus, this article tries to pr..
本文主要是補充論述日本新選舉制度與自民黨走向集權化的關係。既有研究指出,在新選舉制度下,日本自民黨的派閥勢力逐漸地瓦解,從政治過程的觀察中,同時顯示出自民黨派閥的影響力確實也在消退中。本文發現,自民黨在新選舉制度下,依然維持「現任者優先」的提名策略,而「現任者優先」卻具有默認既存派閥勢力的意味。就此而言,派閥勢力應該保有足夠的生存空間,又為何會在新選舉制度下逐漸消退呢 ? 本文擬從候選人在新選舉制度下的「趨中現象」、「政權公約」的黨中央主導、重複提名的設計與比例的提高,以及 「七十三歲屆..
The main purpose of this paper is to further elaborate on the relationship between Japan's new electoral system and augmentation of power in the LDP central committee. The existing studies pointed out that the newly-reformed electoral system in Japan leads to a gradual decline of factions within the LDP while the actual power of the LDP central committee was elevated. However, this paper argues that if LDP's nomination process in the new electoral system still complies with the principle of “incumbents first," which w..
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