臺灣民眾自我防衛的決心,對於我國國防及東亞區域和平皆有重大影響。尤其是在面對可能的兩岸衝突狀況下,了解臺灣民眾的自我防衛意 願,與國家安全息息相關。然而,如何解釋臺灣民眾自我防衛決心的差異,在現存的國際關係文獻裡面的討論有限。我們認為,民眾在理性計算是否願意參戰時,過去的從軍經驗是心理上最直接仰賴的資訊,因此從軍經驗的好壞,理論上會影響民眾的自我防衛決心。本文把從軍經驗分成三個面向,包括軍種、覺得軍事訓練對上戰場的有用程度、以及從軍時與長官的相處狀況,並於2..
What explains Taiwanese citizens’ determination of self-defense? To date, few studies touch upon this issue. We argue that one’s military service experience is an important factor for studying citizens’ willingness to fight and hypothesize that positive experience could be conducive to higher willingness for self-defense as the citizens feel they have the capabilities and preparations for a conflict. We operationalize military service into three dimensions: military branch, evaluation of usefulness of milita..
Non-traditional security (NTS) issues refer to any issues other than wars that will threaten national security. The importance of NTS issues has been increasing as globalization has accelerated. The literature, however, lacks a systematic review of NTS research, which is arguably the third largest subfield in international relations. This paper focuses on three major NTS issues—energy security, environmental issues, and terrorism, and also briefly discusses other NTS issues, including food security, migration and refugees, transnation..
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