The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III) might be the largest and longest international law codification conference thus far. Some scholars attribute the success of this conference to the “package deal” or “great power politics.” This paper adopts the view of constructivism and cites relevant discussions in the field of sociology and replaces Wendt’s “shared ideas” with “meaning framework” for proposing a new analysis framework with operational indicators for international conference decision making. In this analysis structure, the meaning framework and the actor’s behavior are mutually causal in a dynamic construction relationship, while the “shared expectations” are the intermediary of the two. If the shared expectations are met, the two will tend to be stable; if not, they will encounter adjustments. Using the official documents of the “1930 Conference on the Progressive Codification of International Law” to the “1982 Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea,” this article summarizes some observable indicators, such as state claims, text content, rules of procedure, and proposal distinctions, and argues that if the content of the proposal can match current meaning framework produced by state claims and documental textcontent, while also matches the rules of procedure to limited proposals, then the possibility of decision making at international conferences can rise.
要探究國際關係建構主義理論的學術貢獻與影響,實有必要回歸到其肇 始之初的系絡,即是 Nicholas Onuf 與 Friedrich Kratochwil 的學術生涯發展之 中,由於 Onuf 和 Kratochwil 所受的國際法與國際關係學術訓練,致使他們 致力於以社會理論連結國際關係理論與國際法。國際關係建構主義理論也就 是肇始於他們兩人的此連結當中,進而逐漸擴展成為國際關係重要的理論或 研究途徑。 本文的主旨在比較分析 Onu..
To explore contributions and influences of constructivism, we should trace back to the career developments of Nicholas Onuf and Friedrich Kratochwil. Due to their trainings of International Law ( IL ) and International Relations(IR), they have focused on linking IR and IL with constructivism as a social theory. Constructivism originated from this linkage and had become an important theory or approach in IR. This article comparatively explores the way of linking IR and IL with social theory(constructivism)in Onuf&rs..
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