經濟學界基於 1990 年代歐洲匯率機制危機的歷史教訓,與新近發展的內生整合理論,多認為即使無法擺脫馬斯垂克條約整合門檻的法規束縛,歐洲貨幣同盟至少應儘快邀請有意加入歐元區的歐盟東歐成員國,在此一過渡階段進行密切的經濟貨幣政策協調合作,以免再度發生匯率與金融危機。本文首先對經濟學界就歐洲貨幣同盟擴張議題,所發表的重要文獻進行評述。其次根據既有論點,以東歐經濟規模最大的捷克、匈牙利、波蘭作為研究對象,結合簡單的總體經濟模型與賽局分析概念,探討三國已為歐盟成員,且未來必以加入貨幣同盟為目標下,歐盟官方如改採內生整合理念,立即與之進行經濟貨幣政策協調合作,並協力穩定雙方的經濟金融發展,是否能夠互蒙利益,進而減低該國重蹈 1990 年代歐洲匯率機制採固定匯率與資本流動自由化,卻因欠缺國際經濟政策協調合作,以致引發匯率與金融危機的覆轍。模擬結果顯示,囿於目前進度,於 2010 年方有可能加入貨幣同盟的捷克,應有資格立即與歐洲中央銀行進行經濟政策協作,並有效降低過渡時期發生匯率與金融危機的風險。
Some economists believe that even if the Maastricht convergence criteria is indispensable, the European Monetary Union should at least invite Central and Eastern European countries to participate in economic policy coordination as soon as possible, on the basis of the theory of endogeneity and the experience of the ERM crisis in the 1990s. The purposes of this research are 1)to provide an economic literature review about the issue of EMU enlargement and 2)to determine whether a bilateral coalition of an accession country and the European Central Bank would eliminate the risk of an ERM II crisis occurring during the transitional period. The simulation results indicate that, at this moment, the Czech Republic is qualified under specific simulated shocks. By means of cooperation with the European Central Bank, its interest rate differential with respect to the euro area can be maintained at a lower level and therefore decreases the risk of suffering from substantial capital flows during the transition to the EMU.
隨著反傾銷稅及平衡稅等貿易救濟措施之增加,反規避條款之適用亦愈趨頻繁且產生了若干隱憂。進口國雖然認為反規避措施係為了處理規避反傾銷稅及平衡稅之問題而具有正當性,但規避行為同時有可能僅是生產者或出口商的在進口國或第三國的直接投資行為。與反傾銷稅及平衡稅係受 WTO 反傾銷協定及補貼暨平衡稅措施協定規範不同,WTO 對於反規避措施並未加以規範,因此產生了適用上之若干問題。若進口國對於原本非屬反傾銷稅調查對象之進口產品,以反規避調查之方式擴大對其適用反傾銷稅,即表..
Accompanying an increase of anti-dumping measures, anti-circumvention actions aim to prevent escapes from the anti-dumping measures, but also raise certain concerns. An Importing country may have justified reasons to initiate anti-circumvention investigation on the importing products not included in the original anti-dumping measures, because circumvention nullifies or reduces effective antidumping. However, circumvention might be just nothing more than direct investment in the importing country or a third country. Anti-dumpi..
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