厚資料(thick data)這個名詞大約在 2013 到 2014 年間被創造出來。先在網路上流傳,後來出現在管理學的評論及期刊之中。一開始,這個詞的意思是強調「質化」方法的知識建構,多是從人類學的視角出發。但這並不新。其實,「厚」的核心內涵很早就在人類學中被運用,原稱叫作厚實描述(thick description),因此,現在使用「厚資料」一詞者,不少是從「厚描述」或「厚敘事」(thick descriptions)的人類學民族誌研究方法(ethnog..
As a reflection and supplement to data-driven research, thick data was firstly proposed as a complementary method of using data to engage in meaning mining in 2013. Through the case of Chinese political economy, this article demonstrates how the use of thick data enables researchers to overcome the problem of data distortion. It argues that meaningful use of data sources is based on the identification of actors. In order to do so, researchers are required to answer the following two questions: Who are the actors contributing to the tendency..
1951 年歐洲首次在沒有流血戰爭的狀態中開始進行和平統合,此有別於歐洲歷史紛亂與戰爭的常態。從戰後、歐洲開始統合、歷經德國統一及蘇聯共產主義集團瓦解兩大地緣政治鉅變,到 2007 年歐盟最近一次擴大至今, 統合過程中,歐洲國家之間及其與美國及俄羅斯(蘇聯)的權力互動關係,以及各強權與歐洲地理空間的互動關係對歐洲統合產生重大的影響與不同的地緣政治意涵。 第二次世界大戰後,歐洲國家處於美蘇對峙複雜的權力互動關係中,資源統合、採取共同立場(..
The integration of Europe began in 1951. Within the process of integration, there were three dimensions of power interactions: the interaction among European states, the interaction among America, Russia (Soviet Union), and European states, and the interaction between great powers and the European geographical space. From the beginning of the European integration, the unification of Germany and the collapse of the Russian communist bloc, and to the latest expansion of EU, the geopolitical changes had important impacts and sig..
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