從兩次世界大戰至今,國際政治結構與秩序發生幾次重大的轉變。集體安全制度的形成、戰爭形態的改變、以及全球化與區域化發展所帶來新的問題與威脅等,使傳統「中立」制度與觀念面臨存廢的挑戰。另一方面,實踐上,有關「中立」概念的主張與應用卻始終存在。有鑒於此,本文擬從國際政治發展的不同階段,以宏觀的角度來探討「中立」概念的源起以及法律與政策面的發展與轉變,嘗試對「中立」概念在現代國際秩序中的角色與作用進行理論和實踐的觀察與分析。 從法律層面來看,傳..
Since the two World Wars, the structure and order of international politics have undergone considerable changes. In particular, the creation of the collective security system, new forms of warfare and new problems and threats emerging from globalization and regionalization, challenge the value of “neutrality” in the new international environment. But in practice, contrary to stated facts, states continue to make use of the concept under international law or in international politics. Thus, this article tries to pr..
自 2000 年後日本對亞太區域經濟整合與締結雙邊自由貿易協定日趨熱衷。2013 年日本正式加入由美國主導之跨太平洋夥伴協定(TPP),象徵著其參與區域經濟整合的高峰。本文之目的在探討自 2000 年代後期以來,日本對區域經濟整合的思維與政策發展,並以日本加入 TPP 的政策制定過程為例,剖析日本政府是如何克服國內的疑慮與反對而加入此一區域自貿協定。 本文採質化研究途徑,透過訪談日本官員、利益團體與學者及分析相關文獻,以了解日本加入 TPP 政..
Since 2000, Japan has become more active in signing free trade agreements(FTA)and regional economic integration. Japan’s decision to join the Trans-Pacific Partnership(TPP)in 2013 has reached an apex of its efforts in engaging in regional integration. The goal of this paper is to explore Japan’s FTA policy and its evolution by focusing on Japan’s decision to join the TPP. This paper adopts a qualitative approach by interviewing Japanese officials, scholars, interest group..
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