期刊內容 Issue content

The Role of the Local Legislature in the Broad-Based Administration in Japan: An Analysis of Intergovernmental Cooperation
陳建仁(Chien-Jen Chen)

地方立法權是代表地方人民行使意思表達的權力,亦是民主國家地方自治體的最核心權力如何在府際合作中持續地方立法權的功能與職責,以落實地方自治,是本研究的問題意識本研究以府際合作的地方立法權之角色為核心,首先,探討地方自治體中地方立法權的角色 ; 其次,審視府際合作中地方立法機關之定位 ; 最後,以日本的廣域行政制度為例,剖析地方立法權在其中所扮演之角色

Local legislative power is the representative authority that executes the will of the local people and is the pivot of authority within the local government in democratic countries. How to maintain the functions and duties of the local legislature under the intergovernmental cooperation system, and thereby lead to the fulfillment of local self-government is the central problem of this paper. Focusing on the local legislative power under intergovernmental cooperation, this paper will explore the role of local legislative power in the local government, followed by evaluations on the position of local legislature under intergovernmental cooperation, and examination of the broad-based administration system in Japan to analyze the role of local legislative power played within the system.
