「新功能主義」(Neo-Functionalism, NF)是研究區域統合(integration) 最常被討論的論述之一,不過近年來新功能主義在內容上已有了很大的轉化:外溢效果(spill-overeffect)不再被視作統合的唯一自變項,而統合也只是「暫時」的依變項,不再是一項必定的結果。 哈斯(Ernst Haas)在新世紀即對其近 50 年前所提之新功能主義提出評論,獲學界高度矚目,頗值關心此議題及關心兩岸發展的人士注意;本文藉..
Neo-functionalism(NF)is one of the most argumentative theories for dealing with issues of regional integration. Supporters of NF argue that when the spillover effectis created through the process of functional integration, separate entities can construct political systems compatible with each other. Nevertheless, NF, especially that proposed by Ernst Hass, has changed since it was contested by scholars and testified in the literature. Nowadays, it is not valid to argue that the spillover effect can create integration automati..
國際關係主流理論研究的是多邊關係,但是多邊關係得以運作,其前提在於,當多邊關係受限時,可仰賴雙邊關係加以維繫或超越,使多邊關係免於遭到直接挑戰。本文主張將雙邊關係做為國際關係研究途徑加以探究,並以戰後英國因實力變化而選擇轉向雙邊為個案。出於避免一夕崩壞及維護利益的設想,孱弱的大英帝國在戰後選擇向雙邊主義靠攏,美中兩國成為優先考量。即便這兩組雙邊關係間存在矛盾,卻是英國勉強藉由兩組雙邊關係維繫既有多邊框架,再行逐步調整,進而在戰後世界站穩腳跟的機制。 ..
Mainstream IR theories are typically multilateral. However, for any multilateral frame or value to last, bilateral relations must be able to resolve conceivable limitations. Thus, bilateral relations should be intrinsic to IR theorization. We use the United Kingdom in the aftermath of WWII as our case. The UK managed bilateral relations with the United States and China as ways to overcome its decline after the war. The bilateral relations transcend the multilateral frame and value. Accordingly, the UK’s two bilateral re..
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