台灣與俄羅斯都是在第三波民主化浪潮時,從威權或極權政體走向民主政體的國家。然而,兩國的民主政治發展卻有截然不同的結果。本文的主要目的,乃是在探討 1995 年至 2005 年之間,台灣與俄羅斯在民主發展上的異同。首先,針對民主鞏固之概念作概括性的整理與解釋;其次,說明台灣與俄羅斯民主發展之過程;接著,以民主轉型與民主鞏固的模型,深入比較台灣與俄羅斯民主化進程之差異;最後,則進一步提出台灣邁向民主鞏固與俄羅斯發生民主崩潰的觀察。 &..
Both Taiwan and Russia became democracies during the period of Third Wave of Democratization. However, the results of democratization for each turned out to be completely different. The main purpose of this paper is to examine the similarities and dissimilarities of democratic developments during the period of 1995-2005. The concept of democratic consolidation and relevant ideas is clearly explained in the first section, also showing the process of Taiwan and Russia’s democratic developments. In addition, models of demo..
俄羅斯現代史上轉型時期極為重要的理論和實踐問題,就是俄羅斯聯邦制的建立與發展。而俄羅斯社會的經濟、社會和國家政治領域改革的結果,很大程度上取決於聯邦制的順利發展。實際上,整個俄羅斯的命運也取決於俄羅斯聯邦制如何發展。本論文試著釐清兩個問題:第一、在葉爾欽時期,聯邦主體的主權過度擴張,為何在普金時期卻又能將這些權力收回?第二、其決定性因素為何?而此決定性因素又如何地影響聯邦中央和聯邦主體之間的權力拉鋸爭奪? 故本文有兩個重要議題,首先是試..
Russia is a federation which, as of March 1, 2008, consists of 83 federal subjects(members of the Federation). One of the extremely important theoretical and practical issues during the process of political transition in Russia’s modern history is the establishment and development of Russian federalism. The results of economic, social and political reform in the Russian society largely depend on the smooth development of federalism. In fact, the whole fate of Russia also depends on the development of Russian federalism...
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