Yellow Peril in the Russian Far East, spanning more than one hundred years, has already become a probabilistic law. It does not fade with time, and has already been the dilemma and the potential negative variable between Russia and China. The thesis attempts to analyze Yellow Peril from a perspective of identity politics, and to deconstruct Russo-Chinese relationships and Russia’s domestic interaction, because the dual intangible idea structures awakened contemporary Yellow Peril after the Cold War. Such an approach not only reveals the essence of Yellow Peril, but also forecasts its mid- to long-term development. Besides, it attempts to deduce the argument: “learning and transferring across level and mood” by explaining Yellow Peril through Constructivism, so as to make the research on interaction of international relations and domestic politics not merely an unrealized metaphor, adding a new example for the middle range theory of Constructivism and providing a supplement to the level-of-analysis.
The thesis contends that the identities and cognitions between Russia and China must be coordinated. Moreover, Russia’s domestic alienation and the gap between the Russian and the Chinese in the Russian Far East should be narrowed, and then Yellow Peril may just be mitigated or eliminated. However, the currently shared culture: “To be friends forever and never be enemies,” expected by both Russia and China, is not realized thoroughly, and the domestic centrifugal tendency that led to Yellow Peril still exists in Russia. If the properties of each side cannot be coordinated, Yellow Peril will construct and intertwine with the dual idea structures, and the causes of Yellow Peril may also persist from generation to generation through socialization. Nevertheless, after these two peoples interacted for several years, some characteristics and behaviors of the Russians in the Russian Far East have turned out to be more and more similar to those of the Chinese, and this may compensate for the lack of bottom-up construction in Russia. Moreover, alternation of generations may also be the hope of Russia’s resurgence. If the gap between China and Russia can be narrowed, Yellow Peril may also be mitigated and eliminated.
本研究目的在於,從中國與北韓的國家利益角度,分析金正恩時期中朝之間合作與衝突的背景,進而探討雙方關係的走向。自習近平與金正恩於 2013 年分別出任中國與北韓的國家元首以來,由於中朝兩國皆採取對對方國家利益有所損失的政策,使雙方關係陷入緊張。就北韓的國家利益而言,穩定以金正恩為首的共產黨政權為第一要務。因此,金正恩上台之後,繼承金正日的「先軍政治」,持續研發軍事科技,進行試射導彈、第 3 次核試爆,採取「經濟、核武建設並進路線」,以凝聚國內團結,且處決危及金..
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