歐洲聯盟 2004 年 5 月以及 2007 年 1 月的東擴之舉係 1950 年代以來歐洲統合過程中重要的發展過程。這不僅是使得中東歐地區國家加入歐盟,更重要的意義在於將不同地區文化與結構透過改革的轉軌過程中融入了歐盟的價值。因此,在歐盟未來的主要擴大議程中也包含了土耳其、克羅埃西亞以及西巴爾半島地區國家。對於歐盟而言,加強並保障有關區域和平、穩定、 繁榮、民主、人權以及歐洲法治的理念價值是相當重要的。
對土耳其而言,與歐盟的關係已歷經一段相當長的時間。1963 年的安卡拉協定、1970 年該協定的補充附加議定書、1987 年土耳其首次對加入 EU 提出申請,1999 年赫爾辛基高峰會議承認土耳其作為 EU 候選國的地位, 2003 年 5 月歐盟通過對土耳其的入盟夥伴文件,2005 年 10 月 3 日,EU 正式開啟對土耳其的入盟談判工作。在此一過程中,EU 對土耳其提供的各項援助政策措施也產生積極的效應。惟雖則如此,土耳其入盟的談判仍然充滿了許多問題與障礙。
據此,本研究主要在於處理三大議題,一是探討土耳其與歐洲的關係, 主要分析土耳其邁向歐洲聯盟的歷史進程;其次是就當前歐盟與土耳其對於 入盟問題的辯論觀點進行比較分析,最後則檢視現階段歐盟與土耳其之入盟 談判之實質議題與問題,藉此展望土耳其入盟的可能性與變數。
The Eastern Enlargement of the European Union in the year of 2004 and 2007 is one of the most significant developments in the process of European Integration since the 1950s. And with Turkey and the Western Balkan States, enlargement will continue to be one of the major issues on the political agendas. More recently, the EU has inspired tremendous reforms in Turkey, Croatia and the Western Balkans. It is vitally important for the EU to ensure a carefully managed enlargement process that extends peace, stability, prosperity, democracy, human rights and the rule of law across Europe.
For Turkey, it has had a long contractual relation with the project of European Integration. The Helsinki European Council 1999 recognized Turkey as a candidate state on an equal footing with other candidate states. Accession Partnership was adopted on May 2003 and on October 2005; the EU opened the final accession negotiation with Turkey. During these processes, the impact of EU assistance to Turkey had increased positively. Nevertheless, many problems and obstacles for Turkey on the way to EU’s membership remain.
Thus, this study will examine three main issues. First, this paper aims at the relations between Turkey and the EU during the process of the European Integration from historical perspectives; second, to evaluate the pro-and- contra aspects from the inner debates in Turkey and in the EU to gain a comprehensive comparison. And finally, this research will evaluate the possibilities and prospects of Turkey’s EU membership under the negotiation framework of multidimensional discussion including political, economic, social and cultural criteria.
As great power politics are regarded as trend setters in international relations(IR), most contemporary IR studies often neglected small states’ foreign behaviors. However, after the end of the Cold War, bipolar confrontation of great powers no longer existed, attentions began to turn to small states in the realm of international relations. The author argues that, with the help of proper design of methodological approach, the extent of small states’ external..
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