2015 年 11 月,緬甸舉行國會大選,由翁山蘇姬領導的全國民主聯盟(全民聯)獲得壓倒性勝利。2016 年 3 月,由全民聯所提名的翁山蘇姬親信 碇喬(Htin Kyaw),順利在國會總統選舉中獲勝,並於 3 月 30 日正式宣誓就任緬甸新總統。其後,碇喬總統向國會提出的 21 個部會首長名單,也獲得國會通過。本文將先從碇喬內閣完整名單探討新政府人事布局的若干特點,並對照新政府近日相關的種種政治作為與安排,分析其欲展現的政治目標,以及對緬甸與中美大國關係所可能產生的影響。
In November 2015, the National League for Democracy(NLD), led by Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, won a landslide victory in the general elections. In March 2016, the NLD nominee U Htin Kyaw, a confidant and proxy of Suu Kyi, successfully won the presidential election in the Union parliament, and was inaugurated as president on March 30. On May 25, President Htin Kyaw announced the final list of 21 ministers to assume control of 22 ministries. This paper discusses the characteristics of personnel composition of Htin Kyaw’s cabinet. In line with related political settlements by the new government in recent months, such arrangements not only show the political purposes of the new government, but also may influence Myanmar’s relations with China and the US in the near future.
The “scale of operations” of non-governmental organizations can be divided into either “international” or “domestic.” When dealing with problems in Myanmar, although international non-governmental organizations may hold advantages due to their professionalism and available resources; however, there are still situations where they may feel helpless and will need to rely on the help of other domestic non-governmental organizations or even form a collaborative alliance with them to carry out t..
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