東南亞在亞太政經體系中的重要性逐日提升,從而使得主要大國持續策畫新區域戰略,積極布局東南亞國家及社會,藉以強化自身的影響力。臺灣在 2016 年再次經歷政黨輪替,蔡英文總統啟動新南向政策作為建立臺灣與周邊區域全面連結的新戰略。新南向政策設定「以人為本」的主軸,除了重 新建構臺灣的區域定位,亦在經貿合作、人才交流、資源共享與區域鏈結等四個面向深耕臺灣與新南向區域、國家及社會的協力關係。本研究分別從制度與網絡兩個軸線分析新南向政策的進展:首先,在制度軸線方面,本研究 將梳理自 2015 年正式提出新南向政策之後的構想、規畫、與執行三階段。 再者,在網絡軸線方面,本研究亦將分析新南向政策所涉及的由中央到地方、政府到民間、國內到國際的三重利害關係網絡。最後,本文將以新南向政策的挑戰作為結語。
The strategic importance of Southeast Asia is increasingly weighted in recent years among Asia-Pacific major powers and Taiwan. Since 2016, as Taiwan experienced another power transition, President Tsai Ing-Wen initiated the New Southbound Policy as her flagship strategy to link up Taiwan with neighboring countries. A people-centered rationale of the New Southbound Policy aims at reconstructing Taiwan’s regional identity, deepening its relation with regional countries and contributing to local societies. This paper discusses the development of the Policy by highlighting its institutional progress and networking efforts. Institutional progress will be dissected through examining processes of policy framing, planning, and implementation. Networking efforts are analyzed by discussing the role of central and local governments, state-society relations, and national- international links as the network of stakeholders to facilitate the Policy. The paper concludes by presenting the challenges ahead for Taiwan.
當中國「對外直接投資」(Foreign Direct Investment,簡稱FDI)大幅湧入世界各國後,被投資國對於中國資金的質疑與恐懼也逐漸浮現,例如:歐洲各國擔憂中資入主後,將降低歐陸勞工的待遇;澳洲民眾與國會反對中資併購國內農場等。然而,上述恐慌卻與文獻資料分析存有歧異, 爬梳有關中國對外直接投資之於被投資國的影響等相關研究後發現,中國資金並未帶來「紅色政治」,且中資與其他國家投資的運作方式亦無明顯差異。雖然中資並未對被投資國產生預期的傷害和損失,..
While foreign direct investment (FDI) flows from China to other countries in the world, some recipients have shown their fear and question toward China’s investment. For instance, European countries are afraid of the degradation of labor and environmental standard after embracing investment from China to their industries;, while Australia’s public and media blame China’s investment on real estate for the rising housing price. However, after carefully reviewing discussions on each case in the literature, it c..
2004年10月,第五屆亞歐會議在越南河內舉行,本屆亞歐會議可以視為歐洲與亞洲兩大區域的結合。亞歐會議雖然確立了「政治對話、經濟合作和文化交流」三大領域的合作關係,但是到目前卻仍然停留在相互對話及磨合的階段,連最初步的雙方共組自由貿易區都無法達成共識; 另外,不論從經濟面向或是政治面向來檢視,亞太地區仍然是東亞國家主要貿易往來的主體,同時亞太地區已經存在著亞太經合會的對話管道,甚至東亞地區的東協加三也正在逐漸成形,成為東北亞與東南亞的主要交流管道,因此,在沒有共同經濟利益的基礎之下,亞歐..
The 5th ASEM took place on October 2004 in Hanoi, Vietnam. Although ASEM is an informal forum, it was one of the most important cross-continental regime. Though the forum establishes the structure of “political dialogue, economical cooperation, and culture interflow”, the process still lodges on dialogues of two sides, even in the free trade area that was co-established, consensus is rare. In addition, from both political and economical aspect, the Asian-pacific region still is the mainframe of East Asian trades; the A..
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