As the United States and China have remained the competition and cooperation in East Asia, hedging has become a pragmatic foreign policy object for the secondary states in the region. This article explores the differences between China’s “partnership” and traditional military alliances, attempting to explain the lack of a clear ideology in the post-Cold War era and its impacts on states’ hedging. Due to the strategy of “partnership” rather than the traditional military alliance, it has prov..
2005年,印度與中國建立了「戰略合作夥伴關係」(strategic cooperative partnership),給予外界中印關係改善的印象。在現實情況中,中印的戰略夥伴關係呈現出在安全與經濟上的落差,較類似兩個原本敵意深重的發展中國家,為了經濟發展所進行的策略聯盟,以經濟發展為重,而與安全合作及解決主權與邊界爭議較無關。本文從決策者進行合作時的利益與成本考量的角度,探討中印「戰略夥伴關係」的發展前景。中印建構戰略夥伴關係,是決..
In 2005, China and India established a “strategic cooperative partnership,” which led to rising optimism about China-India relations. This article discusses prospects of the China-India strategic partnership from the perspective of benefit and cost. The China-India strategic partnership is regarded as an attempt by the leaders of the two countries to change bilateral relations from non-cooperation to cooperation. The key to successful transformation lies in the fact that decision makers of both sides can recognize..
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