本文旨在釐清學界對於「權力平衡狀態」與「權力平衡體系」的內涵混淆,透過對「權力平衡體系」進行嚴謹的定義,推進權力平衡理論的解釋力。 學界一直對「權力平衡」的理解有許多誤解與偏見,其中,誤將「狀態」等同於「體系」是最常見的問題。本文先回顧華爾茲(Kenneth Waltz)對於體系的界定,指出其中的不足之處,並借用建構主義溫特(Alexander Wendt)的理論來補充。描繪出我們對於權力平衡體系的文化、結構與邏輯等論點。 藉由對體系進行嚴謹的定義,不但使得「權力平衡狀態..
This article aims to clarify the confusion among academic circles about the connotations of “Balance of Power Situation” and “Balance of Power System” and to advance the explanatory power of BOP theory through a rigorous definition of “Balance of Power System.” There have always been many misunderstandings and deviations in “Balance of Power.” Mistaking “situation” with “system” is the most common problem. This article first reviews the definition of “system&r..
In a U.S.-dominated post-Cold War unipolar international system, the possible power shifts between the second-tier great powers and the Americans, such as a systemic balance, will have great impacts on the existence and endurance of the current international system. According to the Realist theses, “balance of power” is a stabilizing factor that contributes to international security and regional stability as the great powers endeavor to prevent concentration of capabilities in one or a few nations through the process of distribu..
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