期刊內容 Issue content

Interaction on International Education and Environmental Aid between Japanese NGO and Government (1990~2010)



With the diversity and complexity of international issues, resolving international issues no longer rely on individual government entity. As civil society raises, how government cooperates with the civil society to resolve long-term constructive international problems has become more and more important. Theoretically, should non-governmental organizations (NGO) and the government have clear work scope and accept their roles, a mutual enhanced relationship can be built. However, NGOs are ideal in reality. And with self-sustained budget, NGOs may maintain an alerted distance with the government. Therefore, they may not form a cooperative relationship on international aid issues, and may even be confrontative.

Study found that the main factor affecting cooperation or confrontation between NGOs and the government is the different public opinion. When the relationship is cooperative, it provides services and policy recommendations; if it is confrontative, the main purpose would be collecting information, supervision, advise, and forming values. Nevertheless, as Japan’s purpose of foreign aid and ODA policy have been revised, the objective of NGOs and the government on aid approaches has become similar, despite the differences on organization scale and resources. Therefore, the confrontative relationship has transformed to a complementarily cooperative one.
