1951 年歐洲首次在沒有流血戰爭的狀態中開始進行和平統合,此有別於歐洲歷史紛亂與戰爭的常態。從戰後、歐洲開始統合、歷經德國統一及蘇聯共產主義集團瓦解兩大地緣政治鉅變,到 2007 年歐盟最近一次擴大至今, 統合過程中,歐洲國家之間及其與美國及俄羅斯(蘇聯)的權力互動關係,以及各強權與歐洲地理空間的互動關係對歐洲統合產生重大的影響與不同的地緣政治意涵。 第二次世界大戰後,歐洲國家處於美蘇對峙複雜的權力互動關係中,資源統合、採取共同立場(..
The integration of Europe began in 1951. Within the process of integration, there were three dimensions of power interactions: the interaction among European states, the interaction among America, Russia (Soviet Union), and European states, and the interaction between great powers and the European geographical space. From the beginning of the European integration, the unification of Germany and the collapse of the Russian communist bloc, and to the latest expansion of EU, the geopolitical changes had important impacts and sig..
氣候變遷改變了全球氣候,也改變了北極。北極受全球暖化影響快速冰融,改變了區域內外的國際關係。中日韓三國為爭取未來可能浮現的北極航運利益,以及北極豐富的石油、天然氣等自然資源,紛紛設法進入此一區域。三國同時採取多邊和雙邊外交,意圖強化在北極的影響力。目前為止,三國的北極政策各自為政,甚至相互競爭,很容易產生利益衝突;北極重要的戰略地位,也易引起軍事緊張。事實上,三國在北極有共同的利益,這些共同利益有可能促成三國間的合作。  ..
Climate change has changed the Arctic. The Arctic ice is melting rapidly as the result of global warming. It changed the international relationships of the region and beyond. To compete for emerging Arctic shipping routes and abundant oil, natural gas and other natural resources, China, Japan and South Korea have managed to get involved in this area. The three countries are taking multilateral and bilateral diplomatic approaches simultaneously to strengthen their influence in the Arctic. So far, the three countries are acting..
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