本文從批判性地緣政治 ( critical geopolitics ) 的角度,藉由波士尼亞戰爭 ( 1992-1995 年 )此一案例,探討後冷戰時期美國的外交政策。深受國際關係後實證主義 ( post-positivism) 的影響,批判性地緣政治旨在問題化(problematize) 地緣政治的思想,主張地緣政治的基本元素,例如主權、領土、疆界、民族國家等,其意義不是既定的,而是社會實踐的結果。外交政策的功能之一,即是藉由賦予特定「他者」一個地緣政治的意義,建構或合理化國家的政策還..
This paper uses the approach of critical geopolitics to study the US foreign policy in the post-Cold War era, with the Bosnian war (1992-1995) being the empirical case. Influenced by the stream of post-positivism in International Relations (IR), critical geopolitics aims at problematizing traditional geopolitical thinking, holding that the meaning of concepts such as sovereignty, territory, boundary, nation-state, and so on, is not given and fixed, but is a construct of social practices. One function of foreign policy is thus to give an &ld..
歐洲歷經兩極體系瓦解與區域整合不斷推進的國際局勢,處在歐洲大陸的眾多國家各自發展出不同的安全策略、採取多種途徑保障本身國家安全,我們認為歐洲國家的安全策略選擇有其路徑可循,本文著重討論此種策略選擇的因素分析。在案例揀選上,本文特別著重歐洲中小型國家安全策略選擇,這主要是因為過去相當長的時間國際關係學多著重於大國安全研究,對中小型國家重視程度仍有待提升,因此本文擬從中小型國家著手,分析這一群國家安全策略選擇。 在安全策略選擇模式建立上,本..
The European continent has been free of great wars since the end of Cold War. This article assesses security studies in international relations by focusing on middle ground states’ strategic choices in relation to great powers. We argue that Small and Medium States(SMSs)widespread in Eastern Europe, Balkan Peninsula and South Caucasus have their strategic calculations in shaping their security choices. The article posits that the decision-making process of SMSs’ security policies rests upon differentiated and cros..
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